Author: Alifia Salsabila Fajari

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Great! Forest Biomass can be a Renewable Energy Source
Forest biomass is an interesting alternative to fossil fuels because of its historical use as an energy...
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Hurry! Switch to an Electric Vehicle and Feel the Benefits
Changing to electric vehicles is one of the best ways to contribute to achieving Net Zero Emissions....
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Interesting ! Solar Panels used in farmland
The microgeneration of electricity using solar panels for farms has recently received a lot of attention....
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Home Charging as a Supporting Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles
PT. PLN (Persero) also provides Home Charging services for electrical vehicle users, where electric car...
Getting to Know the Kayan Hydroelectric Power Plant as the Largest Hydro Power Plant in Southeast Asia
The construction of the Kayan hydropower plant is an example of collaboration between the central government...
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The Government Steps to Speed up the Development of Geothermal Energy
The government has a significant role and responsibility to promote renewable energy, which is one of...
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7 of the World's Largest Nuclear Power Plants Are in Asia
Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is a renewable energy source. Previously, the United States (US) was the country...
Food waste
5 Impacts of Food Waste
The impact of food waste is that it will produce methane gas. Food waste also has an impact on the use...
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The Role of Hydroelectric Power Plants in Developing Renewable Energy
The hydroelectric power plant is the biggest energy support for renewable energy generation. Hydroelectric...
Did You Know Kites can be a Source of Wind Energy?
Researchers from Europe and the United States are developing the most recent and new potential sources...
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Can Geothermal Energy Provide Business Opportunities ?
Geothermal is the most potential energy sources in Indonesia. PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) also...
Utilization of Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) Biomass as Renewable Energy
The high level of palm oil production causing high palm biomass or oil palm waste generated from the...
Eco-friendly Electric Motorcycle
The government continues to encourage the use of renewable energy in Indonesia as an energy sources that...
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Why Should You Use Solar Panels at Home ?
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is increasingly aggressive in using renewable energy...
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Pilihan Editor

Photo 2 - Bandara City Mall, one-stop shopping centre yang berlokasi dekat dengan Bandara Internasional Soekarno–Hatta (CGK), bekerja sama dengan Xurya gunakan PLTS Atap untuk kebutuhan operasional
Bandara City Mall Ambil Langkah Strategis Gunakan Energi Surya untuk Kebutuhan Operasional
How to achieve 10% marine protected areas in Indonesia
How to Achieve 10% Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia
Ilustrasi dari pembangkit listrik tenaga biomassa.
Pembangkit Biomassa: Solusi Energi Berkelanjutan untuk Masa Depan
Minyak Alga: Bahan Bakar Masa Depan Terbarukan yang Belum Tergarap
Minyak Alga: Bahan Bakar Masa Depan Terbarukan yang Belum Tergarap
What Are The Good and Bad Side of Wind Energy
What Are The Good and Bad Side of Wind Energy

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