Home Charging as a Supporting Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles

  • PT. PLN (Persero) also provides Home Charging services for electrical vehicle users, where electric car battery charging can be obtained at home.
  • PLN’s efforts to add electricity infrastructure, one of which is the Home Charging service, aim to improve services and convenience for electric vehicle users while also increasing public interest in using electric vehicles.
  • The use of electric cars can save costs 10 times more efficient.

PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo expressed support for the government’s efforts to achieve Net Zero Emissions in the transition to renewable energy, and urged the government to accelerate the development of electric vehicle (EV) use by adding electricity infrastructure. PLN continues to develop electric vehicle infrastructure, such as the General Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU), the General Electric Vehicle Battery Exchange Station (SPBKLU), and Home Charging services.

As of March 2022, there were 267 General Electric Vehicle Charging Stations operating in 195 locations across Indonesia. The total General Electric Vehicle Charging Station owned by PLN is 120 units spread across 92 locations. PLN intends to build 580 General Electric Vehicle Charging Stations by the end of 2022 to make it easier for electric vehicle users. The General Electric Vehicle Charging Station location can also be checked on the PLN Mobile App via the Electric Vehicle feature, allowing EV users who want to travel long distances to make the best travel plans for themselves.

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PT. PLN (Persero) also provides Home Charging services for electrical vehicle users, where electric car battery charging can be obtained at home. The total number of customers using Home charging services currently stands at 226.

PLN’s efforts to add electricity infrastructure, one of which is the Home Charging service, aim to improve services and convenience for electric vehicle users while also increasing public interest in using electric vehicles.

The use of electric vehicles is highly desired by the government because it can help the government suppress APBN fuel subsidies, save foreign exchange, and create national energy independence.

By converting fuel-based vehicles to electric, we will shift from imported to domestic energy, from expensive to cheap energy, and from high to low emissions so as to create a cleaner environment because it is free from pollution.

The use of electric cars can save costs 10 times more efficient. With a consumption of 1kWh, the Kona Electric is able to run for 9 km in the city. This is nearly the same as a conventional car using 1 liter of non-subsidized fuel, which has now reached Rp. 18,000.

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PLN also offers incentives to attract more customers in an effort to increase public interest in using electric vehicles. PLN offers incentives to electric vehicle owners in the form of discounts on additional power and free home charging installations.

Through the Super EVeryday Promo, PLN offers a special price promotion for new installation costs for new electric vehicle owners from March 2022 to December 31, 2023. Customers with electric vehicles and home charging will receive a special price of Rp. 850,000 for a new connection fee of 7,700 VA (1 phase), or Rp. 3.5 million for a connection of 13,200 VA power (3 phases).

In addition, electric vehicle owners who charge their batteries through home charging facilities from 22.00 to 05.00 WIB receive a 30% discount on electricity rates.

The assistance provided by PT. PLN (Persero) in accelerating the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem is expected to attract public interest in switching to electric vehicles.

Editor: Riana Nurhasanah


PLN. (2022). Pembalap: Layanan Home Charging Dongkrak Minat Masyarakat Punya Electric Vehicle (EV). Diakses pada 24 April 2022 dari https://web.pln.co.id/media/siaran-pers/2022/04/pembalap-layanan-home-charging-dongkrak-minat-masyarakat-punya-electric-vehicle-ev

Kharisma, A. (2022). PLN Kebut Infrastruktur Pendukung Ekosistem Kendaraan Listrik. Diakses pada 24 April 2022 dari https://finance.detik.com/energi/d-6010168/pln-kebut-infrastruktur-pendukung-ekosistem-kendaraan-listrik?single=1

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