Author: Samodro

Co-firing mengurangi konsumsi batu bara dan limbah namun bukan solusi utama masalah iklim yang lebih kompleks.
Co-firing Hanya Menjadi Rencana Jangka Pendek?
sumber Co-firing merupakan langkah membuat biomassa untuk menggantikan batu bara dalam produksi...
Perkembangan teknologi biofuel perlu mengatasi isu harga, pasokan, dan keberlanjutan untuk energi alternatif.
Biofuel Energi Masa Depan Indonesia yang Dipertimbangkan
sumber Perkembangan biofuel mulai semakin pesat karena perkembangan teknologi. Isu...
Peningkatan biofuel perlu diimbangi kesadaran lingkungan, mengingat manusia adalah bagian dari masalah iklim global.
Efek Negatif Peningkatan Biofuel Bagi Masa Depan Manusia
Sumber Melihat upaya “langkah hijau” untuk mengatasi masalah iklim tidak...
Government Moral Crisis On Energy And Water
Humans are the cause of the climate crisis. countries are becoming aware to climate change because of...
Nuclear Energy And The Future Of Electric Vehicles
Myths And Facts About Nuclear Energy
Myths About Nuclear Common myths about nuclear energy being controversy day by day. Myth of nuclear:...
Nuclear Energy And The Future Of Electric Vehicles
Nuclear Energy And The Future Of Electric Vehicles
Picture nuclear power plant, source Pixabay Global electric car sales reached 6.6 million units in...
A Dual Benefit: Nuclear Energy and Water Desalination
A Dual Benefit: Nuclear Energy and Water Desalination
largest desalination plant on the planet – Rabigh-3 – Image – desalination National Geographic Population...
Nuclear Energy for Interstellar Missions
Nuclear Energy for Interstellar Missions
Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Reactor Concept Awards, Source NASA Skepticism space exploration using...
Prabowo's Swasembada Energi Without New Renewable Energy Will Be Useless
Prabowo's Swasembada Energi Without New Renewable Energy Will Be Useless
Illustration Prabowo Subianto President Of Republic Of Indonesia Environmental threats could change...
Nuclear Energy In Archipelagic And Ring Of Fire Nation -
Nuclear Energy In Archipelagic And Ring Of Fire Nation
Ilustrasi / Ring of Fire atau Cincin Api Pasifik atau Lingkaran Api Pasifik (Foto: National Geographic) These...
Indonesia's new president has a military background, will nuclear become energy?
Indonesia's New President Has A Military Background, Will Nuclear Become Energy?
Illustration picture of President of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto period 2024-2029. Source:...
Black Fungus survived And Grows At Chernobyl Site Full Of Radioactive
Black Fungus Survived and Grows at Chernobyl Site Full of Radioactive
Illustration, Source AI “Cladosporium sphaerospermum” this fungus not only survived, It also seems...
Ukraine : Chernobyl Brings Multi-Faceted Disaster On Nation's Energy
Ukraine: Chernobyl Brings Multi-Faceted Disaster On Nation's Energy
Illustration, Source AI Radiation released into the atmosphere contaminated every place on earth around...
Nuclear In Indonesia Needs Renewable Energy Law To Be Passed
Nuclear In Indonesia Needs Renewable Energy Law To Be Passed
Illustration. Source AI Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) provides a legal umbrella to support...
Nuclear: Clean Energy Could Be Hero For Indonesia From Coal Mining Disaster
Nuclear: Clean Energy Could Be Hero For Indonesia From Coal Mining Disaster
Illustration, source AI The coal sector’s trail of destruction runs from upstream to downstream. The...

Pilihan Editor

energi terbarukan
PLTA : Stabilitas Energi di Tengah Krisis Global
Wajah Pengaturan Green Bond Sebagai Pembiayaan Transisi Energi di Indonesia
Wajah Pengaturan Green Bond Sebagai Pembiayaan Transisi Energi di Indonesia
Assembling wings new Dutch windturbine with large crane
Tenaga Angin Lepas Pantai Terbesar di Dunia Mulai Beroperasi
PLN Pasok Listrik PLTP Ijen, Dukung Energi Terbarukan
PLN Pasok Listrik PLTP Ijen, Dukung Energi Terbarukan
The Hydropower Potential of PLTA Karebbe in South Sulawesi
The Hydropower Potential of PLTA Karebbe in South Sulawesi

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