- Reduce greenhouse gasses by capturing and permanently storing carbon emissions underground
- Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is in limited use due to the high cost of implementing CCS technology
- Factors that determine the future use of CCS in United States such as the cost to carbon capture, the cost and capacity to transport and store carbon, federal and state regulatory decisions, and the development of green energy technologies
Sobat EBT Heroes, according to the International Gas Union, by 2022 the United States will have the largest potential carbon capture and storage (CCS) capacity in the world. Simply put, CCS is a technology that captures carbon emissions and stores them underground.
CCS facilities currently operating in the United States have a combined capacity to capture approximately 22 million metric tons of carbon per year, or 0.4 percent of America’s annual carbon emissions. And CCS with a capacity of 134 million metric tons of carbon per year is currently under development. When all of these CCS technologies are combined, the United States has a total carbon capture capacity that increases about sevenfold to 156 million metric tons per year, or 3 percent of current US carbon emissions.
Baca Juga
- Key to Carbon Reduction SDGS and Green Industry
- The 14th Indonesia Korea Energy Forum (IKEF): Indonesia-Korea Selatan Kerja Sama dalam Teknologi Penangkapan Karbon CCS
CCS in the United States

The United States is one of the world’s largest emitters and still relies heavily on fossil fuels to meet its primary energy needs. U.S. greenhouse gas emissions grew rapidly in 2018, increasing by 3.1 percent, nearly twice the rate of global emissions growth. The largest emissions sectors are transportation, electricity, and industry.
A recent green technology innovation that has drawn attention to the carbon problem is CCS. This technology consists of capture, transport, and storage. So, let’s look at an illustration of how CCS works below.

But, the cost of implementing CCS varies depending on the type of industry. The higher the carbon pressure, the lower the cost of carbon capture, and vice versa. Like the data below.

A comparison of estimates from the International Agency shows the industry falls into two main cost groups:
- Carbon capture is cheaper at about $15 to $35 per metric ton (in 2019 dollars) in natural gas processing and ammonia and ethanol production.
- Carbon capture is more expensive at $50 to $120 per metric ton for power generation and other industrial processes, such as cement, iron, steel or hydrogen production.
For example, the cost of capturing carbon from natural gas processing and ammonia production is relatively low due to the high pressure flue gas streams.
Factors that Will Affect the Future Use of CCS in the United States

Carbon capture and storage in the United States will depend on a number of factors, including the cost of carbon capture, the cost and capacity to transport and store carbon, federal and state regulatory decisions, and the development of other clean energy technologies that could reduce demand for CCS.
The US will need to invest billions of dollars in pipelines to transport carbon for regional networks and hundreds of billions of dollars for national networks. Despite abundant carbon storage capacity, some of these sites are still in the exploratory stage. Federal and state regulations also affect the timing of CCS projects. Advances in clean alternative energy technologies may also increase the use of energy sources that do not produce carbon emissions, reducing the need for carbon capture and storage.
Baca Juga
- CCS: Berperan dalam Dekarbonisasi, Miliki Peluang Monetisasi
- Pertamina: Berkomitmen dalam Transisi Energi melalui Kolaborasi Injeksi Karbon
So that’s all about carbon capture and storage in the United States. So how about carbon capture and storage in other countries, especially Indonesia?
#zonaebt #EBTHeroes #Sebarterbarukan
Editor: Alvin Pratama