- Solar panels is more than 50% and nuclear only 11% in 2060.
- Thorcon with the target selling price of electricity equivalent to PLTU has the potential to reduce BPP and reduce compensation.
- New renewable energy is not purely free of emissions or waste, if the energy production can cover the emissions produced it is call clean.
Nuclear is included in the discussion of the EBT Bill in Indonesia. Its potential as a new energy prompts some discussion. Nuclear itself is generally seen as a stable and reliable energy producer. Other types of renewable energy have been applied, but currently Indonesia does not have a generating reactor (still on a lab scale for studies).
PT ThorCon Power Indonesia
PT ThorCon Power Indonesia was founded in 2021 as a totally owned foreign direct investment company (PMA) by ThorCon International Pte, Ltd, which has had a Representative Office in Jakarta, Indonesia since 2018 and was previously known as Martingale Inc from 2015 to 2018.
Bob S Effendi Chief Operating Officer PT ThorCon Power Indonesia say’s “tidak ada persaingan di antara EBT lainnya (no competition among other renewables)”. He also emphasize that each new and renewable energy sector has its own segmentation and projections.
“Bahkan surya lebih dari 50% dan nuklir hanya 11% di 2060. Semua sudah punya kuota masing-masing (Even solar panels is more than 50% and nuclear only 11% in 2060. All have their own capacity)”. He said that “Hanya orang yang tidak paham energi melihat persaingan (Only people who don’t understand energy see competition among between)”.
Baca Juga:
- Invest On Nuclear Power Plants Tend To Be Sustain Also Reliable
- Indonesia Can Play An Important Role In The Energy Mix
More specifically, the nuclear energy sector has a share of 11%. In 2060, the nuclear portion of energy in Indonesia will be equivalent to a capacity of 50GW. The introduction of nuclear is closely related to efforts to retire coal (phasedown).
“Maka harus ada yang gantikan batubara dengan kemampuan sama yaitu murah, beroperasi setiap saat (baseload), dibangun mendekati beban dan bersih maka bila kita pakai kriteria tersebut yang mampu hanya PLTN (Then there must be something that replaces coal with the same capabilities, namely cheap, operating at all times (baseload), built close to load and clean, so if we use these criteria that are capable of only nuclear power plants)” He said.
Various modeling made by the National Energy Council (DEN) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources does place nuclear to be able to play a role in the Net-Zero 2060 effort. Bob S Effendi sees not the problem of the government’s ambition or seriousness in including nuclear in the new renewable energy bill. He is more concerned about the reliability and affordability of clean energy sources to support the national economy.

Some Of The Things ThorCon Power Indonesia Sees In Indonesian Energy
“Sektor energi di Indonesia belum sinkron dengan industri dan ekonomi (Indonesia’s energy sector is not yet synchronized with industry and the economy)”. Some of the concerns are cases of oversupply experienced by the country. This is because economic growth is not in line with projections, especially during the pandemic era.
At the most basic level, Indonesia’s energy has not made any effort on the supply side (energy production from fossils). Increasing subsidies and compensation, in the electricity sector has reached 73 trillion and continues to rise to 100 trillion in Rupiah by 2030. “Ini berbahaya bagi APBN kita (This is dangerous for our state budget)” he commented.
“Thorcon dengan target harga jual listrik setara PLTU maka berpotensi turunkan BPP dan kurangi kompensasi (Thorcon with the target selling price of electricity equivalent to PLTU has the potential to reduce BPP and reduce compensation)”. Bob S Effendi is optimistic about the prospects of nuclear in Indonesia for energy.
BPP is (Biaya Pokok Penyediaan Pembangkitan) the cost of supplying generation, the cost of providing electricity by PT PLN (Persero) in the generation of electricity, excluding the cost of distributing electricity. This is one of the main components of electricity tariffs.
Another Perspective On The Nuclear Sector
At a Greenpress community seminar “Tantangan dan Peluang Transisi Energi di Indonesia”. Initiated by The Society Of Indonesian Environmental Journalists (SIEJ) on November 8, 2023, at Habitare Hotel Rasuna, Kuningan, Jakarta. One of the speakers Fabby Tumiwa as Direktur Eksekutif Institute For Essential Service Reform (IESR).

He expressed his disagreement with the inclusion of nuclear in the New Renewable Energy Bill. “Ya saya ga setuju dengan PLTN, menurut saya kenapa karena ada alasan teknis dan ekonomis. Energi terbarukan lebih aman lebih murah, lebih terjangkau bisa diupayakan oleh masyarakat (I do not agree with nuclear power plants, in my opinion, because there are technical and economic reasons. Renewable energy is safer, cheaper, more affordable and can be pursued by the community)” He said.
If it can be seen that the negative intentions of the nuclear sector do not only impose on the radioactive waste sector which must be managed properly and safely. Rather, it is on how uranium extraction is carried out. Uranium extraction can be said to be one of the obstacles of the nuclear sector when viewed from an environmental aspect.
Environmental Factors of Nuclear
Uranium is mined in much the same way as other minerals are mined. This can clearly describe the weakness of uranium in energy use. Although in general, the energy produced by uranium can be many times that of coal. From an energy perspective, the efficiency of uranium is better.
It is also because there is no dependence on weather, sun and other factors. But the environmental aspect of this sector becomes very prominent if not managed. Innovations in uranium extraction need to be made in order to make this sector environmentally friendly.
New renewable energy is not purely free of emissions or waste. In the aspect of solar panels there are related to the waste of making them, the lifetime as well as other renewable energy. Wind power generation also has a disadvantage in that its production requires a large amount of energy to make the propellers.

Baca Juga:
- Nuclear: Rise Of The Fossil Energy Subsidy Era
- Review of Indonesia’s CV on Nuclear Energy Transition
However, the energy used to make renewable energy will be seen as friendlier if the energy production can cover the emissions produced. Similarly, with nuclear, the perspective of seeing nuclear as clean energy can improve if the waste sector can be addressed.
Then in the environmental sector after uranium mining is carried out. It can be conservation which aims to maintain and improve the quality of its value and diversity. Because if Sobat EBT Heroes only look at the energy angle, it can indeed make up for environmental damage. However, the aspect that is said to be a climate crisis is not only limited to reducing emissions, but also protecting the environment.
#zonaebt #sebarterbarukan #ebtheroes
Editor: Savira Oktavia
[1] PT ThorCon Power Indonesia
[2] Seminar by The Society Of Indonesian Environmental Journalists (SIEJ) “Tantangan dan Peluang Transisi Energi di Indonesia” on November 8, 2023, at Habitare Hotel Rasuna, Kuningan, Jakarta.