Recognize the Enviromental Risks Posed by Paper Waste

  • The pulp and paper industry, one of the biggest economic sectors in the world, threatens forests through deforestation.
  • According to the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 30–40% of all industrial wood collected worldwide is used to produce paper-based goods like books, tissue, glossy paper, office catalogue paper, and product packaging.
  • According to the Environmental Paper Network (2018), the production of paper by the pulp and paper industry has absorbed 10% of the fresh water resources in a number of nations.

Paper has always been a part of everyday life. Many individuals continue to prefer paper for a variety of tasks, from printing documents, news, and books to product packaging. If there is no effective mechanism in place to handle paper trash, the high degree of paper use will lead to issues.

The pulp and paper industry, one of the biggest economic sectors in the world, threatens forests through deforestation. According to the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 30–40% of all industrial wood collected worldwide is used to produce paper-based goods like books, tissue, glossy paper, office catalogue paper, and product packaging.

The pulp and paper business also makes extensive use of other natural resources, like water. Environment Canada estimates that at least 324 gallons of water are required to create 1 kg of paper. Even A4-sized paper with curls had absorbed up to 20 liters of water during manufacture. According to the Environmental Paper Network (2018), the production of paper by the pulp and paper industry has absorbed 10% of the fresh water resources in a number of nations.

The pulp and paper business produces trash throughout the production process as well. Solid, liquid, and gas particle waste are only a few examples of the many different types of waste that are produced. Poor waste management can endanger the environment by releasing diseases, ash, and trace levels of heavy metals that are dangerous to human health and the ecosystem.

According to DLH Banjarmasin, a government office can use about 500 reams of paper to print documents, keep track of memoranda, and wrap mail in a single year.

Data from the Ministry of Environment (KLHK) in 2020 show that Indonesia produced 34.5 tons of garbage annually, of which paper accounted for 13%. Up to 43% of paper trash is still not controlled in the meantime.

Baca Juga:

The home waste sorting process is not yet at its best, making it impossible to meet the industrial demands for paper and plastic garbage. Most paper trash is dumped in landfills without being managed further. Of course, this can have a number of negative impacts and disturb the natural order of life on Earth.

There are numerous factories working to process waste paper right now. You can definitely benefit from the work of several enterprises involved in this industry if you recycle used paper. Additionally, you can offer used paper to the producer directly.

a number of paper factories, including PT. Adiprima Suraprinta, PT. Aspect Paper, PT. Cipta Paperia, and numerous others. Naturally, our factory is prepared to purchase the used paper you have. However, you can give it to UD. Sregep if you want to sell used paper for a high enough price.

One of the business divisions that caters to the used paper industry is UD Sregep. They will purchase the used paper you have here and distribute it to the facility that processes waste paper. You don’t need to fear, UD Sregrep has been in business for a while, and its employees are all qualified, so the service is unquestionably satisfactory.

Even if the volume is still less than plastic trash, paper waste should not be disregarded. The Think+3R principle can be used in a number of ways to reduce the amount of paper trash that ends up in Final Disposal Sites (TPA), including the following:

Baca Juga:

1. Think

You should double-check a document to make sure there are no errors before printing it. In this approach, the amount of paper wasted as a result of printing mistakes can be reduced.

2. Reduce

By adopting a “paperless” lifestyle, you can start by reducing the amount of paper you waste. By employing electronic medium in place of paper to transmit, record, and save information, paperless aims to use as little paper as possible. You can now take digital notes and store them on electronic devices or in the cloud thanks to technological advancements. Using both sides of the paper when printing papers will also help you use less paper overall.

3. Reuse

The reuse or reuse principle is the next strategy to cut down on paper production. As gift wrapping material, you can use paper or newspaper. Additionally, you can export product wrappers or commodities by storing them in discarded cardboard.

4. Recycle

Separate paper from other organic and inorganic garbage to prevent water and organic materials from contaminating it and to make recycling paper easier. Paper can be converted into a variety of new paper goods, including greeting cards, newspapers, printing paper, and decorative materials. There are various things that may be done to lessen the environmental impact of paper waste.


[1] Kenali Bahaya Sampah Kertas bagi Lingkungan

[2] Pengolahan Kertas Bekas dan Bahaya Sampah Kertas

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