Arti Label Tanda Hemat Energi dan SKEM, Apa Kegunaannya?

Ilustrasi mencermati efisiensi energi. Sumber:

  • Label Tanda Hemat Energi dan Standar Kinerja Energi Minimum diberikan kepada produk yang memenuhi kriteria efisiensi energi tertentu.
  • Adanya LTHE dan SKEM memudahkan konsumen untuk memilih produk yang lebih hemat energi.
  • Penerapan LTHE dan SKEM membantu negara mengurangi emisi karbon.

Tanpa aksi yang tepat, krisis iklim tidak akan dapat dihindari. Efisiensi energi menjadi solusi alternatif yang ampuh dalam mengurangi emisi karbon dan mendukung tercapainya net zero emission.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, Indonesia yang berkomitmen untuk meraih net zero emission setidaknya pada tahun 2060 telah melancarkan berbagai program dan regulasi mengenai efisiensi energi. Diantaranya, yakni pemberlakuan label bagi produk yang telah memenuhi kriteria efisiensi energi dan penerapan Standar Kinerja Energi Minimum (SKEM).

Label Tanda Hemat Energi (LTHE) dan Standar Kinerja Energi Minimum (SKEM) ini telah diterapkan pada beberapa alat rumah tangga. Sebenarnya, apa yang dimaksud SKEM dan LTHE ini dan apakah kegunaannya? Yuk, telusuri lebih dalam lagi di penjelasan berikut!

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Khusus Produk yang Memenuhi Kriteria Efisiensi Energi Tertentu

Label Tanda Hemat Energi. Sumber:

Label Tanda Hemat Energi (LTHE) merupakan label yang dibubuhkan pada peralatan pemanfaat energi sebagai informasi bahwa peralatan tersebut telah memenuhi syarat seperti yang tercantum pada label. Label ini dapat ditemukan di kemasan maupun produk yang sesuai dengan kriteria hemat energi.

Selain LTHE, Pemerintah Indonesia juga menerapkan Standar Kinerja Energi Minimum (SKEM). SKEM adalah spesifikasi yang memuat persyaratan kinerja energi minimum pada kondisi tertentu dengan tujuan membatasi jumlah konsumsi energi maksimum. Dengan demikian, SKEM menunjukkan efisiensi energi minimal yang diizinkan agar suatu produk dapat beredar di Indonesia.

Saat ini, Pemerintah telah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 14 Tahun 2021 tentang Penerapan Standar Kinerja Energi Minimum untuk Peralatan Pemanfaat Energi. Permen tersebut menyatakan bahwa produsen dan importir wajib menerapkan SKEM pada peralatan pemanfaat energi yang akan diperdagangkan di wilayah Indonesia. 

Implementasi SKEM dapat dilakukan dengan pencantuman tanda SKEM atau pembubuhan LTHE sesuai regulasi yang berlaku. Selain itu, juga telah ditetapkan Keputusan Menteri ESDM Nomor 135.K.EK.07/DJE/2022 tentang Standar Kinerja Energi Minimum dan Label Tanda Hemat Energi untuk peralatan pemanfaat energi lampu light-emitting diode (LED). 

Dengan diberlakukannya LTHE dan STEM, Pemerintah Indonesia mendorong peningkatan efisiensi energi. Selain itu, juga memberantas peralatan yang boros energi dan menghemat penggunaan energi nasional.

Makin Mudah dalam Memilih Produk yang Irit Energi

Ilustrasi konsumen memilih produk. Sumber:

Keberadaan Label Tanda Hemat Energi dapat menjadi pertimbangan bagi konsumen dalam memilih produk yang akan dibeli. LTHE bisa berperan sebagai label komparatif. Label komparatif merupakan label yang memberikan informasi mengenai tingkat efisiensi energi suatu produk dalam ukuran tertentu. 

Melalui label komparatif, posisi produk tersebut dapat dibandingkan secara relatif terhadap produk lain yang sejenis dalam satu kelas. Jumlah bintang yang ditunjukkan oleh label merupakan indikator tingkat hematnya produk tersebut.

Konsep ini dikenal dengan “Semakin banyak bintang, semakin hemat”. Produk dengan bintang yang lebih banyak memiliki efisiensi energi yang lebih tinggi daripada produk yang bintangnya lebih sedikit.

Dengan memilih produk yang hemat energi, konsumen memperoleh banyak keuntungan. Dimana, produk yang memerlukan lebih sedikit energi akan membuat biaya operasional listrik yang perlu dibayar konsumen akan lebih sedikit pula. Selain itu, konsumen juga dapat ikut andil dalam menghemat penggunaan listrik dan mengurangi emisi karbon.

Baca Juga

Mendorong Persaingan Kualitas Produk di Pasaran

Ilustrasi produk yang memanfaatkan energi listrik. Sumber:

Dengan diterapkannya LTHE dan SKEM, konsumen dapat lebih cermat dalam menilai produk yang beredar di pasaran. Produk yang tidak memenuhi kriteria STEM akan ditarik dari pasar dan tidak diperbolehkan untuk beredar.

Konsumen juga akan membandingkan tingkat efisiensi energi produk sebelum membeli. Secara tidak langsung, hal ini berpotensi meningkatkan ketertarikan konsumen terhadap produk yang lebih efisien dan menurunkan minat konsumen terhadap produk yang boros energi.

Oleh karena itu, produsen akan terdorong untuk memproduksi peralatan yang mengedepankan efisiensi energi. Persaingan yang sehat diharapkan dapat tercipta melalui regulasi ini. Sementara itu, bagi negara kebijakan ini akan membantu mengurangi emisi karbon dan konsumsi energi berlebihan. Selain itu, juga diharapkan dapat mendukung ketahanan energi negara.

Hingga saat ini, LTHE yang ada di Indonesia masih memiliki empat bintang. Hal ini akan direvisi agar dapat mengikuti negara ASEAN lainnya yang telah menerapkan sistem lima bintang. Menurut Kepala Seksi Evaluasi Teknologi Efisiensi Energi Supriyadi, Bintang satu dan dua direncanakan untuk dihapus. Sedangkan, bintang tiga dijadikan bintang satu.

Jumlah energi yang dapat dihemat dengan diberlakukannya sistem ini cukup fantastis. Dengan diterapkannya dua kebijakan KESDM mengenai SKEM dan LTHE pada air conditioner dan lampu swabalast, penghematan energi mencapai 15.258 GWh atau setara dengan penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca sebesar 12.969 juta ton ekuivalen karbon dioksida.

Sobat EBT Heroes, itulah beberapa penjelasan mengenai Label Tanda Hemat Energi dan Standar Kinerja Energi Minimum. Suatu langkah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap pentingnya efisiensi energi produk yang berpotensi memberikan banyak manfaat.

Editor: Himatul Azqiya


[1] Akselerasi Penghematan Energi melalui Penerapan SKEM dan Label Hemat Energi

[2] Penerapan SKEM Label Hemat Energi Pada Masa ‘Normal Baru’

[3] Sosialisasi Pemberlakuan Kebijakan SKEM dan Label Lampu Hemat Energi

[4] Produk Berlabel Hemat Energi – Tentang

[5] Produk Berlabel Hemat Energi – Konsumen

[6] Produk Berlabel Hemat Energi – Produsen

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    The desert climate of Las Vegas also plays a role in how tutoring is conducted,
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    alike. Fremont Street Experience is a lively pedestrian mall
    that features an overhead light show and numerous attractions for visitors of all ages.
    These points of interest highlight the diversity of Las Vegas beyond the Strip, offering educational
    opportunities alongside entertainment.

    For families in Las Vegas looking for the best academic support,
    choosing Smartee Spots is a smart decision. The personalized attention each student receives through one-on-one tutoring ensures that their unique academic needs are met.
    Smartee Spots offers flexible options, including both online and in-home tutoring, making it
    convenient for families to access educational support no
    matter where they are located in the city. With a focus on custom learning plans,
    homework help, and test preparation, Smartee Spots provides students with the tools they need to succeed in school and beyond.

    In a city as competitive as Las Vegas, Smartee Spots stands out
    as a trusted resource for parents who want to
    invest in their child’s future.

    In the vibrant city of Las Vegas, providing students with academic support is crucial for their
    success. Smartee Spots is a top-rated tutoring service that offers a variety of educational services for
    students in neighborhoods like East Las Vegas and Glen Heather Estates.
    Private tutoring plays an important role in helping students overcome academic challenges and improve their performance in school.
    Smartee Spots offers one-on-one tutoring, homework help, and subject-specific instruction that is customized
    to meet the needs of each student. The individualized attention students
    receive through private tutoring not only improves their grades but also boosts their
    confidence and motivates them to excel in their studies.
    In a fast-paced city like Las Vegas, Smartee Spots ensures that students
    stay on track with their education.

    Las Vegas, Nevada, founded on May 15, 1905, has grown into a city of 656,274 people and 240,462 households.
    While it is known for its entertainment, Las Vegas is also home to a community that values education and academic excellence.
    Major highways, such as Interstate 15, connect the city’s many neighborhoods,
    making it easy for families to travel to and from tutoring sessions.
    In neighborhoods like Bonanza Village and Bracken, students have
    access to the academic support they need through Smartee Spots.

    The city’s commitment to education is evident in the growing number
    of schools and academic programs available to its residents, and Smartee Spots is proud to be a part of that commitment.

    The cost of tutoring services in Las Vegas can vary based on the subject,
    level of expertise, and the type of instruction provided.
    On average, families can expect to pay between $30 and $75 per
    hour for quality tutoring services. More specialized services, such as test
    preparation or academic coaching, may cost more.
    The climate in Las Vegas also plays a role in how tutoring services
    are delivered. With hot summers that often reach
    over 100°F, many families prefer online tutoring during the hotter months, while in-home tutoring becomes more popular during the cooler
    winter season. Smartee Spots offers both options, ensuring that students receive the academic support they need, regardless of the season or weather.

    Las Vegas is known for its many attractions, which provide
    both entertainment and educational opportunities for residents and visitors.
    The Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Gardens offers an ever-changing display of flowers and plants, making it a favorite
    spot for families to visit. The Fountains of
    Bellagio is another popular attraction, featuring an incredible water show that is
    synchronized with music and lights. AREA15 is
    an immersive experience that blends art, technology, and creativity, providing students with an opportunity to explore new forms
    of expression. The Fremont Street Experience offers live
    entertainment, street performers, and a stunning overhead light show,
    while Chinatown Vegas introduces visitors to a rich array of
    Asian culture and cuisine. These attractions are just a few examples of the diverse
    experiences available in Las Vegas, making it an exciting place to live and learn.

    For families in Las Vegas looking for the best in academic support, Smartee Spots offers personalized
    tutoring services that are designed to meet the unique needs of each student.

    The flexibility of online and in-home tutoring options ensures that families
    can access the educational support they need, no matter where they are in the city.
    Smartee Spots provides customized learning plans, one-on-one tutoring, and test preparation services that help students excel academically.

    Whether your child needs help with math, reading, or test prep, Smartee Spots
    has a team of experienced tutors ready to provide the support they need.
    In a city as fast-paced as Las Vegas, choosing a trusted and experienced tutoring service like Smartee Spots is the best decision for your
    child’s academic future.

    Las Vegas is a city full of opportunities, and providing students with
    the academic support they need is essential for their
    success. Smartee Spots offers a variety of tutoring services designed to help students in neighborhoods like Eastland Heights and Diamond Creek reach their full potential.
    Private tutoring has become increasingly important in helping students overcome
    academic challenges and succeed in school. Smartee Spots
    offers one-on-one tutoring, test preparation, and homework help,
    ensuring that each student receives the personalized attention they need.

    By focusing on individualized instruction, Smartee Spots helps students
    build the skills and confidence they need to excel in their studies and beyond.

    Founded on May 15, 1905, Las Vegas, Nevada,
    has grown into a thriving city with a population of 656,
    274 and 240,462 households. Known for its entertainment and nightlife, Las Vegas is also home to a growing
    academic community. Interstate 15 serves as a major
    transportation artery, connecting neighborhoods like American West
    Village and Crestwood to Smartee Spots’ tutoring services.
    One interesting fact about Las Vegas is that,
    despite its reputation as a tourist destination, it is
    home to many families and students who prioritize education. Smartee Spots is proud to serve
    this community, offering personalized tutoring that helps students succeed both inside and outside the classroom.

    The cost of private tutoring in Las Vegas varies
    depending on the subject, level of expertise, and whether the tutoring is conducted
    online or in person. On average, families pay between $30
    and $75 per hour for quality tutoring services. For more specialized tutoring,
    such as ACT/SAT prep or study skills coaching, costs can range
    higher. Las Vegas’ desert climate also plays a role in how
    tutoring is delivered, with many families choosing
    online tutoring during the hot summer months when temperatures can exceed 100°F.
    Smartee Spots offers both in-home and online tutoring, providing flexibility and convenience for families.
    This ensures that students receive the academic support they need, no matter the season or
    weather conditions.

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