The Beauty of Adipura Kencana Award in Indonesia

Adipura Award 2023. Source:
  • Indonesia awards the Adipura prize annually to regencies/cities that are successful in the cleanliness and management of the urban environment.
  • Adipura Kencana 2023 was achieved by Balikpapan, Surabaya, Bontang, Bitung, and Ciamis
  • The Adipura Award can encourage sustainable environmental management in Indonesia

Did you know Sobat EBT Heroes, Indonesia has 416 districts and 98 cities spread from Sabang to Merauke. These districts or cities will be selected annually by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to receive the Adipura Kencana Award. 

Simply put, the Adipura Kencana Award is the highest award given to districts/cities that are successful in managing cleanliness and the environment. Of course, this is very interesting we can find out the environmental management of each city and how the impact of the Adipura Kencana on the Regency / City in Indonesia.

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The Beauty of Adipura Kencana Award

Toraja House. Source:

Indonesia is an archipelago with many regencies or cities within it. A city that is awarded the Adipura Kencana award at the Adipura Awards is a source of pride and shows that the city is successful in environmental governance. 

Adipura is an instrument for monitoring the performance of district/city governments in organizing waste management and green open space in realizing a clean, shady, and sustainable environmental quality. We must be curious about what indicators are used to assess the Adipura Award.

So, this award is assessed from two indicators consisting of physical indicators and non-physical indicators. Physical indicators are assessed from the cleanliness and shade of the city. While non-physical indicators or urban environmental management include institutions, management, and responsiveness.

Adipura has four stages: planning, implementation, incentives or disincentives, and coaching. Districts or cities with the best performance in waste management and green open spaces will receive incentives in the form of Adipura awards. There are four forms of awards, namely:

  • Adipura Kencana award
  • Adipura award
  • Adipura Certificate
  • Adipura Plaque

The Adipura program is an effort to control greenhouse gas emissions from waste management. The more districts or cities in Indonesia that care about the environment, especially in waste management, the more greenhouse gas emissions arising from waste can also be reduced.

What are Adipura Kencana Winners Innovations?

Adipura Kencana. Source:

The 2023 Adipura Kencana award was won by the cities of Balikpapan, Surabaya, Bontang, Bitung, and Ciamis. Are you curious about what innovations made this city get Adipura Kencana? Let’s see the information below.

Balikpapan City has been named the cleanest city in Indonesia. Although the total daily waste generation reaches 514.73 tons, with a waste service area of 241.44 km2, the government and community are committed to reducing the amount of waste every year.

Recycling, waste segregation, composting for organic waste, and single-use plastic reduction programs have been implemented. In addition to implementing these programs, the city government cooperates with private and community organizations. They also conduct environmental education and campaigns.

Balikpapan City. Source:

Stakeholders continue to commit to driving positive change, although barriers remain. In an effort to reduce plastic pollution, innovations in waste reduction such as the reuse of containers, shopping bags, and straws are emphasized.

In addition, waste recovery is implemented through bus payment programs with waste, renewable energy from waste, and circular economy applications including cirowaste and master waste banks. The concept of waste recycling is also fundamental to the reduction of waste volume in Balikpapan City, such as making ecobrick boats and turning waste into furniture.

Surabaya City. Source:

Like Balikpapan, Surabaya also has many innovations in the environmental field by utilizing a circular economy. Some innovations in Surabaya include compost houses, waste banks, Suraboyo Bus, urban farming, and waste-to-energy management in Benowo Landfill.

Benowo Landfill is a waste-to-energy management facility with electricity production capacity from the Landfill Gas Powerplant (LPG) system can produce 2 Mega Watts of electricity per day, with 1.65 Mega Watts directly connected to the National Electricity Company for community use.

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So Amazing. How about your city? Hopefully with this Adipura Award, regencies or cities in Indonesia can be maximized in environmental governance.

#ZonaEBT #EBTHeroes #SebarTerbarukan

Editor: Alvin Pratama


[1] Permen LHK No. 76 Tahun 2019 tentang Adipura

[2] Inovasi Pengelolaan Sampah Kota Balikpapan

[3] Pengelolaan Sampah Kota Surabaya

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