Qatar, Highest Per Capita Carbon Emitter in the World

Countries with The Highest Carbon Emissions. Sources: LinkedIn Zonaebt
  • Qatar emits the most CO2 emissions per capita worldwide, at more than 35 metric tons per person.
  • Qatar announced its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2030
  • Qatar has 5C Carbon Management Framework

Fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes in Qatar produced 102.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (MtCO₂) emissions in 2022. This was a reduction of 3.7 percent in comparison to the previous year, when emissions peaked at nearly 107 MtCO₂.

Qatar emits the most CO2 emissions per capita worldwide, at more than 35 metric tons per person. Qatar CO2 emissions from fossil fuel and industrial purposes from 1970-2022 continue to increase each year like the picture below.

Carbon emissions in Qatar 1970-2022. Source:

The State of Qatar has set a national target to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 25 percent by 2030.  This goal is one of the key objectives and top priorities of Qatar National Vision 2030, which focuses on sustainable social and environmental projects and technologies, economic and industrial diversification, and the development of a mix of energy sources. 

Climate change is an increasing focus for the Qatari government. This is demonstrated by Qatar’s commitment to form the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in October 2021 and renamed Qatar Petroleum as QatarEnergy (QE).

Baca Juga

Reduce Carbon Emissions 25 Percent by 2030

Qatar Industry. Source:

QE, as the country’s national oil company, is working with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to implement Qatar’s National Environment and Climate Strategy.  QE is incorporating liquefied natural gas (LNG) into its climate change and sustainability practices, noting that LNG is the cleanest of the fossil fuels (LNG produces 40% less carbon dioxide than coal and 30% less than oil) and is the preferred fuel for transitioning from coal and oil to more sustainable energy sources.  

In August 2021, QE announced its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030 and committed $170 million to this effort, which focuses on reducing flaring and methane emissions.  QE has also developed a comprehensive sustainability plan to improve green, energy-efficient practices at existing LNG facilities and those under development as part of the North Field LNG Expansion Project.

Qatar LNG Project. Source:

Based on the QE sustainability report 2022, Qatar has made progress in reducing carbon emissions. These advancements include secure and affordable supply of cleaner natural gas for rapid reduction in carbon intensity of the power grid, carbon capture and storage (ccs) value chain at scale, new low-energy options, and development of solar generation. 

In addressing the carbon problem resulting in climate change, Qatar has climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. Let’s see the following information.

Qatar Mitigation Measures

Qatar. Source:

QE is committed to playing a leading role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy through a range of climate change mitigation measures. Qatar’s efforts to reduce emissions begin at the macro level, where they’re working to reduce GHG emissions by providing energy users with natural gas, the cleanest hydrocarbon and one of the most reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy sources.

Qatar is also committed to reducing their own emissions from operations. Qatar has implemented energy efficiency measures at many facilities and processes, and regularly monitors emissions and has set targets to further reduce their carbon footprint. Qatar is also exploring CCS technologies and actively exploring ways to circulate and reuse emissions.

Qatar Adaptation Measures

Qatar. Source:

Qatar’s approach to climate change adaptation involves a range of strategies, including enhancing infrastructure resilience, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and promoting sustainable land use practices. Specialized in carbon issues, Qatar has 5C Carbon Management Framework (consolidate, curb, create, compensate and circulate). 

  • Consolidate, supplying low-carbon energy to replace high carbon intensity fuels
  • Curb, reducing operational emissions
  • Create, generating low-carbon energy
  • Compensate, Storing and offsetting residual and hard-to abate emissions
  • Circulate, (reducing, recycling and repurposing waste)

Baca Juga

So that’s the information about carbon in Qatar. We’ll be back again with carbon information from other parts of the world, stay tuned Sobat EBT Heroes.

#zonaebt #EBTHeroes #Sebarterbarukan

Editor: Alvin Pratama


[1] Qatar: Fossil CO2 Emissions 1970-2022

[2] Qatar Energy Greenhouse Gas (Ghg) Emissions Reductions And Sustainability Initiatives

[3] Qatar Energy Sustainability Report 2022

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