Indonesia is Introducing Purun Eco-Straw at the UN General Assembly

Purun Eco-Straw
  • Purun Eco-Straw is one proof of the success of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in supporting micro, small and medium enterprises.
  • Purun Eco-Straw, is a home-based craft business that puts forward the concept of being eco-friendly.
  • The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno also appreciated the environmentally friendly concept of this Purun Eco-Straw product.

Purun Eco-Straw is one proof of the success of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. PT BRI continues to support micro, small and medium enterprises players to develop their products so that they can go up in class to go global.

Plastic waste is still a major issue in waste management in Indonesia and the world. According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia is currently a producer of 93 million tons of plastic straw waste per year. In fact, plastic straws take up to 200 years to decompose. Therefore, now there is a new innovation, namely straws from grass.

Purun Eco-Straw, is a home-based craft business that puts forward the concept of being eco-friendly. The resulting product is a straw made from purun grass which is environmentally friendly. This is because purun straws are not made of wood or metal but are made from grass-based materials. Purun is a type of grass that comes from weeds that are widely found in peat swamps, and usually Purun has a straight and hollow stem that has no leaves so it can be a substitute for plastic straws.

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The manufacturing process is that after harvesting, the grass is washed, then cut into straw-sized pieces, and cleaned on a smooth layer on the stems. After that soaked with salt water. Then, the straws are dried in the sun by relying on the hot sun. In summer, Purun Eco Straw is able to produce 10,000 pieces of grass straw.

Apart from Purun Eco-Straw, this purun grass is also processed into other handicrafts such as bags, wickerwork, and others that can generate income. The advantage of purun straws is that they are not easily crushed like paper straws but will crumble after 1 week.

The use of purun as an alternative material for environmentally friendly straws has many advantages. With this Purun Eco-Straw, you can reduce plastic straw waste which is known to be one of the major causes of environmental pollution, especially the oceans. In addition, it also responds to community demands for increasing awareness to protect the environment through an environmentally friendly lifestyle, and also as an effort to grow the wetland economy. In the long term, the use of purun is also expected to prevent forest fires in peat swamp land areas.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno also appreciated the environmentally friendly concept of this Purun Eco-Straw product. This was stated in the agenda of the UN General Assembly High-Level Thematic Debate on Tourism some time ago.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, cooperation is needed to improve products that are more eco-friendly from sustainable tourism programs. It is essential for long term prosperity and benefit. Thus, economic value will also flow to local communities and indigenous peoples. According to him, the Purun Straw innovation is one of Indonesia’s concrete manifestations in nature-based tourism conservation. In addition, the purun straw innovation is expected to be a concrete solution to overcome environmental issues.

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Purun Eco-Straw is a product from the Belitung Islands. The maker of the purun straw is an MSME actor from Belitung named Mrs. Hartati. This product is a real action from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in creating environmentally friendly product innovations. These Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are able to replace plastic straws from environmentally friendly purun grass.

Purun grass can also be used as material for making various beautiful and unique handicrafts. Thus, these products can help local craftsmen to advance micro, small and medium enterprises and compete globally.

The government is optimistic that these sustainable concepts and products can encourage the country’s economic revival, create jobs, and open up business opportunities. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk continues to play a role in empowering micro, small and medium Enterprises with similar types of businesses in one area, BRI also took the initiative to group them into business clusters.

Business and digital literacy are also provided according to the needs of business actors. This is done by taking into account various aspects, such as the quality of Human Resources. In addition, technology, market potential, networking, inclusion and training are also aspects that are considered.

In this regard, BRI will continue to strive to take part in developing business growth. Guidance, training, facilities and infrastructure assistance, to financial advisory will be provided through the mantri. Furthermore, business clusters are also empowered so that they can become embryos for the corporatization of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the future.

Editor: Riana Nurhasanah


[1]Binaan BRI, Purun Eco-Straw Mendapat Apresiasi di Sidang Umum PBB

[2]Purun Eco-Straw, Sedotan Ramah Lingkungan Yang Diapresiasi PBB

[3]Mengenal sedotan purun sedotan ramah lingkungan yang diperkenalkan Sandiaga Uno di Sidang Umum PBB

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