- Eco-friendly fabrics could help save the environment.
- The fact that the fashion industry is one of the biggest contributors to global pollution, finding another alternative environmentally friendly fabrics might help to claim a better future for fashion itself and also save our environment.
- There are some options to choose when figuring out any eco-friendly fabrics to begin with as well as acknowledging any less potential harm to our environment.

Fabric is known as cloth or other material produced by weaving together cotton, nylon, wool, silk, or other threads. As well as usually used for making things like clothes.
Having clothes is one of our bare necessities as human beings which is expected to provide physical safety to the body and prevent any harm from climate and environment.
The correct clothing for us is no longer merely a matter of appealing styles, patterns, or colours, especially in light of the environment that is becoming more and more polluted and the role that the fashion industry plays in it. However, keep in mind that the fabrics we select for our daily attire might also be crucial factors to take into account.
Perhaps there are still a lot of people who are unaware of or insensitive to this seemingly unimportant issue. The major portion of garment fabrics is made of synthetic materials like polyester, spandex, etc, which when washed can release millions of microfibers into the water channel. Indeed, this is a really important thing to keep in mind. As a matter of fact, the worst aspect is the fact that it takes this synthetic substance 20–250 years to disintegrate.
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If we continue to ignore this problem, our clothing may also be a major source of microplastic contamination, greenhouse gas emissions, water use, soil degradation, and epic amounts of landfill waste. Hence, in order to change our taste for fabrics, we can try natural fabrics or choose ones that are more environmentally friendly than synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon, which should also be better for our health.
Here are the list of eco-friendly fabrics that could help save our environment reported from Sustaination.id
- Linen
Linen is made from fibres sourced from the stems or flax plants. Flax fibres are very strong. In fact, it is three times stronger than ordinary cotton due to their crystalline structure. Flax is also extremely sustainable and friendly to the environment, because farmers do not need to irrigate or fertilize the flax throughout the growing process and it’s not protected by chemical or any pesticides.
- Hemp
Hemp fabric is a type of textile that is made using fibres from the stalks of the Cannabis sativa plant. Hemp can be used in any type of soil to be cultivated and can be anywhere across the globe. It is also not protected by any chemicals and can produce seeds and oils.
- Tencel
Tencel fabric is made from eucalyptus trees that grow in Indonesia and Australia. Eucalyptus trees don’t need any toxic pesticides and only need a little amount or water. As a matter of fact, Tencel is also similar with rayon, because both have similar appearance. So, Tencel is a yes, it is compostable as well!
- Organic Cotton
Organic cotton refers to naturally cultivated cotton without the use of modern agricultural chemicals, such as fertilizers, pesticides, or transgenic technologies which become one of the essential differences between conventional cotton and organic cotton. It means organic cotton creates healthier and safer conditions for the jobholder as well as the environment.
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Indeed, the fashion industry has certainly become one of the biggest contributors to global pollution. Hence, it is really important for us to become aware of our clothes as well as it relates the most to our environmental issue which is certainly going on right now. So, if you want to protect the environment, it’s time to get the ball rolling!
[1] Mengenal Jenis Kain Ramah Lingkungan
[2] Here Are 7 Eco Friendly Fabrics That Could Help Save The Environment