- Environmental threats could change the landscape of Indonesia but many people don’t understand.
- Energy self-sufficiency program by Prabowo Subianto looking at Indonesia’s national energy map will find it a global disgrace from an environmental perspective.
- Coal sector still gets subsidies. Creating a nuclear status and future in Indonesia is not only unfavorable but close to bleak.
Incompatible Between Environment And Government To See Swasembada Energi
The government repeatedly plays an outdated role in its political art. It promises a decent and secure life for the people, it just rhetoric, hours of gibberish on the stage. In fact it threatens people’s basic livelihoods with legal instrument through a process it calls “policy”.
The tendency of the government to flaunt its ability to rule, and not considered to the people. It close of becoming a arbitrary figures, which can be seen from the democracy index which continues to fall. The era of the new president after Joko Widodo (Jokowi), has announced food and energy self-sufficiency (swasembada pangan dan energi) program are worth supporting.
However, some of these programs are without assessment and instead shows haphazardness in taking action. The environment is the main victim in these two policies. Which then turned into a major disaster and resulted in a social crisis.
Environmental threats could drastically change the landscape of Indonesia. Although overall public awareness of the environment is very normal to doubt. This is not without reason, because of the upbringing of the previous government which used social aids to feed the lower classes.
Which then led to the blunting of people’s instincts to recognize the initial threat of crisis. The Kompas article said that the social aid provided by the government was to promote Jokowi’s image, which showed a lack of achievement while in office.
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The absolute state failure on the environmental aspect is the “food estate” which completely destroys the ecosystem. Large areas were destroyed under the pretext of food resilience for the country. Which then backfired on the country, the environment was damaged and there was no official responsibility from the government to restore it. After that, food security remains wishful thinking as imports persist.
Then comes the new idea of trying to do the same thing with Papua. It seems appropriate that the “food estate” should be renamed with something more suitable such as “Country Exploitation”. BBC mentioned “Kegagalan berulang (Repeated failure)” to food estate. The unfounded relations on Papua as a tool to support the food resilience program must be questioned. Will it become the second Kalimantan, or are there other programs beyond food resilience, or another political interests.
Papua must be seen as a safe zone without exploitation. The equalization step in Papua is indeed justified as a priority. But will this equality itself justify the food estate?. If it is in the aspect of policy-making without a comprehensive study, then this is a mistake and a dark stain on the history of power.

Indonesia Swasembada Energi That Must Be Questioned
In addition to food resilience through the “food estate”, the country’s new breakthrough is the energy self-sufficiency program. Prabowo Subianto makes his own ambition, not only it food sector but also in energy “Swasembada Energi”. From an environmental perspective, looking at Indonesia’s national energy map will find it a global disgrace.
This program is “omon-omon” based on Koran Tempo article related to energy self-sufficient. National energy that is still based on coal creates contradictions. Indonesia will become the main center of a monstrous global black storm that may even replicate the history of past volcanoes such as Tambora and Krakatau.
Although the discussion related to energy self-sufficiency does not include how this energy will be carried out. But with the country’s energy status and capabilities, it is clear how energy self-sufficiency will be derived. By continuing to use this method, Indonesia will be an impostor in all international agreements on climate mitigation and global warming.
Vulnerability will also exists on nation economic issues because it will become a red indicator, a sign of not being environmentally friendly. Which is currently (the environment) one of the important aspects of every country’s move. In addition, by not increasing the renewable energy mix, it is indirectly oppressing its own people (due to climate change vulnerability).
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It is ironic that a country of such size does not have the ambition it deserves for the future. Abundant natural resources and human potential go unused and become the consumption of 0,06% of the population. Indonesia must have fangs to become a great country not only in the aspect of online activities.
Rather, it should focus on broader issues such as the ability to survive (the threat of climate crisis, economy, security, social, health, etc). Indonesia will becoming the joke of the world for failing to manage the country. Although this country is full of comedians, but politicians don’t have to imitate their work while run government as top government officials.

The Future Of Nuclear That Is Only A Sweetener Of Energy In Indonesia
Considering that the national energy trend is not friendly to renewable energy, it will be difficult for nuclear power to grow. Furthermore, not just to grow, even to be able to pass as a policy will be difficult. From the aspect of coal that is still supported by subsidies, and renewable energy that grows far below the target.
Creating a nuclear status and future in Indonesia is not only unfavorable but close to bleak. Nuclear that needs special handling both in the process, development, facilities and even handling social issues. If the government only focuses on political aspects and image aspects by prioritizing rhetoric.
Also without real action to build the country and realize the current and most important issues that must be addressed. Then the previous election vote will only be the biggest waste of paper in the history of mankind. The government should not be blind and ignorant of national energy issues.
But it should not be quick to see the issue, it needs to be studied more deeply. As energy needs increase, not only with the answer of energy self-sufficiency. This energy self-sufficiency must be accompanied by other issues such as the environment, which is an important intersection across sectors.
#ZonaEBT #Sebarterbarukan #SobatEBTHeroes
Editor: Savira Oktavia
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