- The importance of the marine for life.
- Indonesia as maritime country.
- The condition about Indonesia marine.
- Garbage that pollutes Indonesia marine.
- How to reduce marine environmental pollution?
The Importance of Marine Life
The sea has a crucial role in all aspects of life for all living beings. It serves home and habitat for various marine plants, and wide range of marine animal species from around the world. Microscopic organisms, and coral reefs that are immensely beneficial for the sustainability of ecosystems in the marine environment. The sea also aids oxygen which is generated by phytoplankton, a small organisms resembling tiny plants living in the sea. It is contributing around 50% of the oxygen on Earth.
Sea provides many benefits for various aspects of life, such as regulating the climate on Earth. Its ecosystem is also crucial because wind and ocean currents are key determinants for the survival of both marine life and humans. In everyday life, the sea is vital as a source of food and livelihoods. Moreover, its beauty can be utilized for tourism purposes. Within the sea itself, there are various marine biologies, including marine plant species, coral reefs, and their ecosystems. Humans can also utilize them for scientific researches and conservation purposes.
Indonesia as a Maritime Country

Indonesia’s marine have already experienced significant pollution and damage caused by human activities. For instance, the widespread exploitation of resources has led to the disruption of marine ecosystems. We often see this in the news or even witness it by ourselves. For example dumped industrial waste on the rivers and ultimately into the sea which can severely harm entire marine ecosystems. It possibly occurs as the factory waste often contains toxic substances such as metals, mercury, and other chemicals.
The problem doesn’t end there, some Indonesian fishermen still engage in fish bombing. Kompas.id reported that eleven fishermen were arrested for using bombs to catch fish in Teluk Rano, Lambu District, Bima, West Nusa Tenggara. The perpetrators face up to six years in prison. However, this practice continues to occur, indicating the lack of firm action from local governments and law enforcement. As well as the lack of education regarding the importance of marine conservation.
Furthermore, marine pollution is also a major contributing factor to the contamination of Indonesia’s seas. According to indonesiabaik.id, the World Population Review recorded that plastic waste in Indonesian marines reached 56 thousand tons in 2021. This data demonstrates the severity of our marine environment that full of pollution or plastic waste due to human activities.
Wastes that Pollutes Indonesian Seas

The problem of waste does not only exist in residential and urban areas on land but also in the ocean, where it contributes significantly to marine pollution. The types in the ocean varies, including wood, metal, plastic foam, paper, cardboard. The most common of all is plastic waste, such as plastic bags, bottles, and so on. According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s survey in 2020, it stated that plastic waste is the most prevalent type marine pollution in Indonesia. Below is the data indicating the amount of waste polluting the oceans in Indonesia.
The Biggest Marine Pollution’s Contributor: Plastics

Plastic waste has indeed been a long-standing issue in Indonesia, not only on land but also in the oceans. A vast amount of plastic waste pollutes the waters and disrupts the marine ecosystem. If people are ignorant about this issue, it could threaten the biodiversity of Indonesia’s marine life, damage coral reefs, and adversely affect the livelihoods of fishermen due to declining catches.
It would be unfortunate if this matter is not taken seriously. Considering that Indonesia is renowned for having the largest coral reef area in the world, approximately 284,300 km2, or about 18% of the total global coral reefs. Additionally, Indonesia is also the second-largest producer of marine products after China with a total catch of around 6.43 million tons according to the Food and Agriculture Organization.

This is a legacy. We should preserve the sea as it is our heritage, thus this country’s natural wealth can continue to thrive. If our environment is healthy and well-preserved, it will be a source of pride for our country on the world stage. Indonesia is known for its abundant and beautiful natural resources. Therefore, it is our duty to always protect and preserve them.
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So, How Can We Reduce Marine Environmental Pollution?
There are many ways we can reduce waste, such as always carrying a reusable water bottle, bringing our own utensils when dining out, using reusable shopping bags. We can also join or start community groups dedicated to cleaning beaches. Most importantly, fostering cooperation and involvement between the community and local government in addressing marine pollution to ensure swift cleanup efforts. Additionally, spreading awareness and education about the importance of protecting our marine environment from waste and advocating for reduced plastic use are crucial.
To protect our seas from pollution, there are several actions that both individuals and governments can take. Governments can collaborate with local law enforcement to monitor and crack down on illegal activities such as fish bombing, using poison to catch fish, and large-scale environmental exploitation. Another approach is coral reef preservation through protection and restoration efforts. Lastly, establishing and managing marine conservation areas to safeguard vulnerable marine ecosystems is essential.
zonaebt #EBTHeroes #Sebarterbarukan
Editor: Ken Hitana Prakarsi
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