- Green Business Norway is a reputable association representing businesses in the environmental, energy, and technology sectors.
- Accepting that the environment and nature are finite resources that need to be preserved and used wisely is a key component of sustainability.
- Norway has effectively executed its commitment to a green economy in a variety of ways which is making Norway the largest clean energy producer that mostly comes from renewable sources.
Norway is known as a heavy producer of renewable energy sources, mostly because of hydropower. Along with the production of bio-energy from wood, there is also significant potential for wind, offshore wind, and wave power.
This significant breakthrough gave rise to a significant amount of green business in Norway, which eventually established itself as a credible organization that purported to speak for businesses engaged in the environmental, energy, and technology sectors. It has also been said that Green Business Norway’s role is to support future project development and innovation.

Since Norway began exploiting the energy in rivers and waterfalls to produce energy in the late 1800s, hydropower has been the basis for Norwegian industry and the creation of a welfare society. Since that time, Norwegian hydropower has played a bigger role in society there. As Norway has become more modern and its economy has expanded, so has its use of electricity.
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It is commonly known that Norway is on its way to becoming the world’s most sustainable nation. Norway is strong in its commitment to renewable energy. The International Hydropower Association estimates that hydropower energy supplies about 95% of the nation’s energy needs.
The country is also in the process of restricting the sale of cars that run on fossil fuels. All moving vehicles must be fueled by green energy by 2025. Indeed, Norway is already one of the countries with the most electric cars per capita along with Iceland, Sweden, Netherlands, and Germany.
Today, Norway has also developed into a country with one of the highest percentages of electric vehicles in the world. This phenomenon has helped in the acceleration of carbon dioxide emission reductions and carbon offsetting in the most polluted parts of the country. These are the areas where the oil and gas industry is existing but expected to disappear in the near future.
For Norwegian who’s living in Norway, which is known as an expensive country, tax incentives can be the most alluring thing. As a matter of fact, the Norwegian government waives the purchase, sales, and road taxes. Another perk is the absence of toll fees for electric vehicles on such roads.
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The Indonesian Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) believes that if the government creates a stimulus through the formation of markets and tax advantages, there is a significant chance for the development of a green industry in Indonesia by having tax incentives which will stimulate the green industry in Indonesia.
The growth of a market for products that have received green certification would also promote productivity improvement. In addition, the green industry has emerged as a crucial pillar of the global economy in line with national promises to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
In this example, Indonesia, China, and a number of other nations want to attain emission neutrality by 2060. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 12 on responsible consumption and production states that the green industry should be applied.
As a country that lives in a distant country that extends above the Arctic Circle, has extensive driving distances, imposing mountains, and an extremely harsh climate. Norway has successfully become a country that influences others with a significant breakthrough to a green business which focuses on sustainability. Hopefully, Indonesia could also become one sustainable nation as the next breakthrough!
[1] What Puts Nordic Countries at the Top of The Sustainability Rankings?
[2] Renewable energy production in Norway
[3] Industri Hijau, Kadin Dorong Insentif Pajak dan Penciptaan Pasar