- Over the years, the earth temperature has become warmer with some regions experience extraordinary heat.
- Green house effects worsen the rising temperature situation on earth.
- Countries seeks alternative energy sources to reduce the effects of climate change, such as the development and usage of renewable energies.
Climate change has indeed become a problem that increasingly reveals its various impacts day by day. The rising temperature, the increasing sea levels due to the melting of the ice sheets and glaciers, as well as environmental pollution, such as air, water, and soil pollution worsen the condition of our environments.
According to bbc.com, in 2023 starting from July, the highest global temperature increase was recorded. The European Union Climate Agency explained that the Earth’s temperature was 1.48°C. It was warmer than the average temperature of the pre-industrial in 1850-1900. Some areas in America, Asia, and even Indonesia are experiencing extraordinary heat.
With the increasing temperature of the Earth, everyone must be prepared for predictions of increasingly severe climate impacts and major disasters. Some scientists stated that the average Earth’s temperature will increase in 2024. They predicted that it might exceed to 1.5°C.
The increase of temperature is caused by many things, such as heat waves that set the hottest record ever globally, El Nino phenomena, and uncontrolled greenhouse gas emissions. Researchers emphasize that humans are the main cause of climate change.
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Air Limbah Menjadi Salah Satu Terobosan Energi Terbarukan?
Potensi Bendungan Sebagai Salah Satu Langkah Menuju EBT

Modern technologies also possibly contribute to the global warming. It is because with the advancement of time and technology, humans are making a lot of innovations in all aspects of life. Their main goal is to establish a reciprocal relationship between producers and consumers, and to reap profits.
With the advancement of technology over the years, human lives are becoming more and more convenient. We can easily find many helpful products for our daily needs which is beneficial to make our lives better.
What we don’t realize is that these technological advancement do have some side effects, especially to the environment. Many products were made in a factory and how it gets its power to keep running? Fuels, like a lot of fuels, from fossil to coal which produces a lot of air pollutant. Thus, without proper attention, it could cause a phenomenon called the green house effects.
The Contribution of the Industry to Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Why does industry considered to have a negative effect and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions? Because industrial sectors, such as chemicals, food processing, petroleum refining, iron and steel, glass, and aluminum require energy and very high temperatures in the production process. It leads to the release of greenhouse gas sources, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and fluorinated gases (e.g., hydro-fluorocarbons, per-fluorocarbons, and sulfur hexa-fluoride).
According to oizom.com, in the US, almost a quarter, or around 23%, of greenhouse gas emissions produce directly from the industrial sector, encompassing manufacturing, food processing, mining, and construction. The gases produced by factory activities contribute to the formation of thick gases in the atmosphere. The gases are ultimately leading to elevated air temperatures.
Additionally, the electricity used today is generated from burning coal, oil, or gas, releasing pollutants into the atmosphere. Furthermore, the production of cement, iron, steel, electronics, clothing, and plastics involve the use of machines fueled by fossil fuels and chemicals.
Consequently, the industry is considered one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Thereby, it is impacting to the rise of Earth’s temperature.
While directly eliminating these emissions is challenging due to the extensive reach and influence of the industry, initiatives such as transitioning to renewable energy sources, utilizing existing technology, and recycling resources can be pursued as starting points.
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Banyak Ditolak Warga, Apa Solusi Agar Energi Panas Bumi Bisa Terus Maju?
Asia Penyumbang Terbesar EBT Global, Indonesia Salah Satunya!
Renewable Energy Source to Combat Greenhouse Effects
Because of the climate change’s effects, such as rising temperatures on Earth, communities worldwide are vigorously seeking environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources.
Especially in the industrial sector, where many of it still rely on fossil fuels and coal as their primary energy sources. They also begun to realize how important it is to start shifting their attention away from conventional energy sources that are potentially damaging to the climate and environment towards renewable energy sources that are more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

For example, in the development of renewable electricity, there are many alternative sources of electricity that can be used. Wind energy, solar energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, and bio-energy, for example, that utilize wastes and organic matters produced by living organisms.
This of course has a positive impact on the environment. The use of renewable energy can significantly reduce air pollution. Moreover, it helps to encourage communities to be more self-reliant in meeting their energy needs rather than solely relying on the availability of conventional fossil fuels.
Due to its environmental benefits, the development of renewable electricity sources is vigorously pursued worldwide, including in Indonesia. However, despite its rapid progress, according to a survey by Enerdata in 2021, global renewable electricity production only accounts for about 28,1%.

These numbers are still very low compared to the non-renewable energy production which stands at 79,1 percent. It means that although progress has been made, most of the industries still uses non-renewable energy as their fuel source.
Coal as the Primary Energy Source for Electricity in Indonesia

Even in Indonesia the development of renewable energy is still far behind the use of coal-fueled energy sources. According to a survey by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), in 2021, Indonesia’s utilization and implementation of renewable energy sources as primary fuel for electricity generation are only about 14,11 percent. It is way lower than the coal usage which reaches 67,21 percent. Moreover, the use of the fuel keeps increasing from 2017 to 2021.
These two data show that the implementation of a clean renewable energy source is still quite challenging. There needs to be a cooperation between governments and any other relevant parties to effectively implement “Green Industry”.
What is a Green Industry?
The term green industry refers to an industry that prioritizes efficiency and effectiveness in the use of sustainable resources and preserving the environment throughout its production process.
This includes the selection of raw materials, production equipments, product processes, and waste disposal to be environmentally friendly.
Green industry also prioritizes energy saving and conservation to reduce the exploitation of non-renewable resources as well as to minimize carbon emission produced by industries which could definitely reduce the green house effects and mitigate the climate change.
This makes the transition to green industry is a necessity that will benefit not only the environment, but also the economy and the society. This action will create a sustainable future for our children and grandchildren.
#ZonaEBT #EBTHeroes #SebarTerbarukan
Editor: Ken Hitana Prakarsi
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