Engineering Manager

Post Engineering Manager green jobs

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Bachelor of Electrical / Power Engineering
  • Minimum 9 years of related work experience, or 7 years if you have Master Degree
  • EPC & Field Experience is a must
  • Must have participated in all phases of a Construction Project, including Survey, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning
  • Team leading / managerial experience is a must, minimal 2 years with 2 or more subordinates
  • Familiarity with national / international electrical standards
  • Electrical Engineering experience is a must : – Must have experience in Power / LV / MV / Secondary / General Electrical Engineering
  • Fluent in English (if any TOEFL score >500 / equivalent)
  • Soft skills : – Communicative – Able to Positioning either Professional and Casual Relation with subordinates – Problem solving mentality – Neat and orderly in reporting, both verbal and written – Multitasking ability – Can handle Gen-Z subordinates

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

  • Manage, Supervise, and Review of Engineering & Design process
  • Develop solutions based on Technical Requirements
  • Ensure compliance to national / international technical standards
  • Technical Discussions & Presentations with Project Management Leader, Clients and other third parties
  • Participating in long-term Research and Development Strategy with Founders and Executives
  • Create, evaluate, and ensure proper implementation of company internal policies
  • Organize operational culture / habit to ensure high performance standards from all employees, which includes upholding teamwork, effective communication, consistent positive result, and continuous improvement.

Deskripsi Usaha:

PT Syntek Otomasi Indonesia (Syntek Energy & Control) is a fast-growing Start-Up on Modern Automation and Electric Power Company, focusing on Next Generation Automation and New Energy Solutions.Based in Jakarta, Indonesia, PT Syntek Otomasi Indonesia is a group of professionals, engineers, and technicians who work together to provide customers the best means. Our expertise ranges from consultancy, engineering, procurement, and construction.

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