- The concept of green building is one way to maintain environmental and natural conditions so that they are not damaged and are in good condition.
- According to the World Green Building Council, the concept of green building is a concept in which a building in its design, construction, and operation can reduce negative impacts on the environment.
- As mentioned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), green buildings contribute to 30% of the world’s carbon emissions.
Green building is an environmentally friendly building designed to make life better. In addition, to meet the needs of the next generation related to nature, health, and social sustainability.
Natural damage that occurs in various lines of life has resulted in various disasters related to the environment. This is one of the factors in the creation of the green building concept, which is applied to building construction.
According to the World Green Building Council, the concept of green building is a concept in which a building in its design, construction, and operation can reduce negative impacts on the environment. This concept also allows buildings to have a positive impact on the environment and nature. In their construction, environmentally friendly buildings maximize existing natural resources and do not use excessive amounts of building materials. Every component in the building must be interconnected, and no part is made in vain.
The concept of green building as an environmentally friendly concept is important to be applied in various aspects. The concept of green building is one way to maintain environmental and natural conditions so that they are not damaged and are in good condition.
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Green building is frequently considered solely for their aesthetic function. However, green building has many benefits for the environment. Here are some of the benefits of green building:
The Benefits of Green Building
1. Increased Productivity and Life Quality
Building occupants who use the concept of green building do, in fact, have an effect on increasing productivity. A comfortable environment has a great impact on health. Buildings made with the concept of “green building” can generally provide comfort for the occupants of the building. Starting from the concept of open space to increase incoming lighting, green plants to improve air quality, and various other ergonomic features that can provide comfort for residents. Eco-friendly buildings can also reduce stress, improve lifestyle, help people live healthier lives, and foster a positive social environment.
2. Saving
Many things can be saved if you apply this concept to housing. Starting from saving development costs, saving electricity, saving water, and saving energy. The impact, of course, is on finances and monthly expenses that are easier and lighter. In its application, the green building concept is relatively more expensive at the beginning, but efficient in results and in the long term.
One of the biggest benefits of green building is that it can reduce building operational and maintenance costs. The building is made using good quality materials, so the quality can remain good for a long time.Green buildings that are installed with solar panels can reduce the use of electricity by up to 10% every day. This will certainly have a major impact on the monthly operational costs of the building.
3. Steps to Reduce Carbon Footprint and Save the Environment
As mentioned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), green buildings contribute to 30% of the world’s carbon emissions. Green building is done as much as possible in order to reduce existing carbon emissions. In the concept, buildings need to have vertical green spaces as a form of reducing pollution and emissions in the air.
4. Buildings can be used for a long time.
The use of quality construction materials makes buildings last longer and more resistant to changes. Some green buildings also apply so that the building can continue to grow, just like a growing house.
5. High selling value
Green buildings in the form of residential and commercial buildings have a high selling value. This value can be seen from the utility and lower maintenance costs. Not only that, in order to enliven the desire of developers and the public for green buildings, a number of countries have passed tax assessments. economical, healthy, and promising convenience that is widely offered by the green building concept.
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In Indonesia itself, the green building concept has been applied to several developments, such as buildings, offices, apartments, shopping centers, etc. According to What’s New Indonesia, here are some buildings with the green building concept in Indonesia:
1. Sequis Center
Sequis Center was built in 1980, this office building has been successfully renovated to make it more energy efficient. Since this building applies the green building concept, Sequis Center can save electricity and water usage by up to 28% from before. This building has also implemented an efficient waste management and recycling system.
2. BCA Tower
BCA is one of the green buildings in Indonesia that has succeeded in obtaining the best green building certification. This skyscraper managed to get the Greenship EB Platinum certification in the highest category due to its success in implementing efficient methods to save water and electrical energy usage.
3. Alamanda Tower
Alamanda Tower is a 30-story building that has received the ‘Greenship Platinum’ award issued by the Green Council Building Indonesia (GBCI). Inside this environmentally friendly building, there is a water treatment and recycling system, a good ventilation and lighting system, and a system that is able to reduce the entry of ultraviolet light into the building through the use of LED lights in all parts of the building.
4. Gedung Utama Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Gedung Utama Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum is one of the first official government buildings to receive GBCI platinum certification.This building applies green building concepts such as automatic light sensors, water recycling systems, and the use of large windows so that sunlight can enter naturally. The application of this environmentally friendly concept succeeded in reducing energy and water use by 44% and 81%, respectively.
5. Pacific Place Mall
Pacific Place Mall was one of the first major shopping centers to adopt the green building concept. This mall has succeeded in obtaining GBCI certification by implementing a water recycling system, saving electricity by using LED lights and installing light sensors, and planting various plants to create a beautiful green atmosphere.
[1]Memahami Konsep Green Building, Manfaat, dan Penerapannya
[2]Seberapa Pentingkah Penerapan Konsep ‘Green Building’ untuk Indonesia?