Kuantech Creates Technology to Solve Water Problems in NTT

Kuantech x zonaEBT

Gambar: Foto Bersama saat Wawancara
Sumber: Dokumentasi Pribadi

  • The limited access to energy in rural areas, especially in the eastern region is the background for the formation of this Kuantech startup.
  • To solve the problems faced in the village related to energy supply, try to overcome it with a technological approach by the startup Kuantech
  • Currently, one of the products we are working on is technology that can produce water from the air or atmospheric.

Renewable energy sources in Indonesia are very abundant, and the renewable energy mix also continues to increase every year. However, the utilization of this renewable energy source is still not optimal. Based on data from the Badan Pusat Statistik RI, the renewable energy mix in Indonesia has increased over the last three years. In 2019, the renewable energy mix was 9.19%, and there was an increase of about 2% in 2020 to 11.27%. And in 2021, the renewable energy mix will reach 12.16%. Although it is increasing every year, the renewable energy mix still needs to be optimized again. This is done to achieve the target of net zero emissions.

The development of renewable energy requires support from various parties, such as the government and the community. In fact, startups engaged in renewable energy are considered able to help accelerate Indonesia’s renewable energy mix. These startups can create products that utilize renewable energy. Thus, the potential for renewable energy can be properly optimized to achieve the target of the renewable energy mix.

One of the energy-based startups is Kuantech. Kuantech is one of the energy-based startups in Indonesia that was formed in 2021. However, the formation of this startup has been planned since 2011. The limited access to energy in rural areas, especially in the eastern region, is the background for the formation of this Kuantech startup. Villages in the East have limited access to energy, such as electricity and water.

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Starting from the problem of limited energy entering rural areas in the East, Kuantech is here to provide energy access to villages in the East through the products they make. To solve the problems faced in the village related to energy supply, try to overcome them with a technological approach by the startup Kuantech Indonesia, which was founded in 2021.

To find out the role of Kuantech in improving the welfare of the people in the village, ZonaEBT, which is one of the startups engaged in renewable energy, conducted an interview with Pak Ben, the founder of Kuantech on Wednesday, June 15, 2022.

How has Kuantech’s journey brought about a change in water access for coastal areas and small islands in Indonesia?

Seeing the large water demand in rural areas, we took the initiative to create technology that can produce water. Considering that access to the village is very limited, we try to provide solutions with the technology we created by utilizing renewable energy sources. The technology will later be used to produce water and provide water for rural communities to meet their daily needs. Currently, there is one product that has been completed to produce water in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Through the products we make to produce water, we can meet the water needs of the people in NTT.

What product has Kuantech made?

Currently, one of the products we are working on is technology that can produce water from the air or atmospheric. The technology that we have made is a natural phenomenon that exists. The phenomenon in question is like in NTT, where people in rural areas use zinc material as a roof. And when it was early morning, the inside of the zinc was dripping with water because there was air condensed from the outside of the roof. We put the condensed air process into this tool. So we condense the outside air that enters a chamber, then we condense it and produce water. So we use the moisture in the air to produce water.

In addition, Kuantech has also helped two small and medium enterprise partners to develop their businesses. One of them is on Antar Island, Alor, which makes Moringa leaf products, and later Kuantech will back up the technology, be it the engine or the energy.

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What are Kuantech’s future targets and challenges in developing the technology?

The challenge faced in supplying electricity in the NTT area is that access to the village is quite difficult. In addition, the long distance between houses in NTT makes it difficult for PLN to build electricity poles. Economically, it is not very efficient. This is what makes the electricity supply in NTT still small.

In addition, in developing energy, there are also challenges related to geographical problems in each region. Solutions that are applied in one area may not necessarily be applied as a solution to other areas. This is because each region has its own characteristics, in this case, relating to energy producers.

For future targets, we are trying to create a water company that is not land-based. Sources of water produced from the ground will have an impact on the environment. In accordance with the renewable energy mix target, Kuantech will strive to produce products or technologies that utilize renewable energy sources to produce energy.

Editor: Gede Herry Arum Wijaya


[1] Live Interview with Pak Ben from Kuantech (Kuan Timor Technology)
[2] Bauran Energi Terbarukan (Persen), 2019-2021

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