Declining Sale of Electric Vehicles in Europe

Electric Car. Source:
  • Electric vehicles are seen as a solution to reducing carbon emissions because they emit less emissions than fossil fuels
  • However, the phenomenon in Europe shows that electric vehicle sales are declining 
  • Influencing factors include high costs and lack of subsidies.

Halo, Sobat EBT Heroes! We all know that fossil fuels cause high carbon emissions and exacerbate the impact of the climate crisis. Amidst concerns about the impact of the climate crisis, electric vehicle innovation is a solution to reduce carbon emissions. 

Electric vehicles are also considered the key to reducing global carbon emissions, especially in the transportation sector which requires special attention. With electric vehicles, the transportation sector can reduce oil consumption, reduce carbon emissions, and its technological development is one of the doors to achieving Net Zero Emission before 2050.

However, the trend of electric vehicle sales has decreased. So let’s find out what caused these sales to drop.

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Electric Vehicles in Europe 

Electric Car. Source:

Several countries in Europe such as Germany and France incentivize people to buy electric cars. In 2022, the French government is offering an ecological bonus to help citizens buy cars that run exclusively on electricity, hydrogen, or a combination of both, financing up to €5,000 for individuals to choose the green option. Incentives like these can encourage people to buy electric cars. Therefore, in 2022 Europe sold 5.67 million electric cars.

However, at the end of 2023 electric car sales in Europe experienced a large decline. This was the case in Germany where sales dropped by 48%, while sales of electric cars in the European Union as a whole dropped by 17%. What makes sales decline? Let’s take a look at the following information.

What The Reasons

Illustration of declining sales. Source:

There are three factors that have caused electric car sales in Europe to decline.

  • Inadequate charging infrastructure

According to ACEA 2021, there are a total of 224,237 electric charging stations across EU countries. However, there are three countries that account for 70% of all EV charging stations across Europe. The Netherlands has 66,665 EV charging points, France has 45,751 charging points, and Germany has 44,538 EV charging points. Combined, these countries only cover 23% of the total EU area. Based on the ACEA study’s calculations, the EU will need at least six million public electric vehicle charging stations to achieve its goal of reducing 50% of CO2 emissions by 2030.

  • Less Subsidy

Germany stopped subsidizing electric vehicles due to changes in their budget. France also reduced the subsidy from €5,000 to €4,000. 

  • High Cost

Electric cars are more expensive than their fossil fuel counterparts. Especially now that Europe has to compete with Chinese electric cars that have cheaper prices.

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So that’s a glimpse of the reasons that make electric vehicle sales in Europe decline. What do you think is the right solution to this problem?

#zonaebt #EBTHeroes #Sebarterbarukan

Editor: Alvin Pratama


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