- We use many social media platforms daily for communication, entertainment, etc
- The fact that the social media we use contributes to carbon emissions
- But we can also easily calculate our carbon footprint in this age of technological convenience
Haloo Sobat EBT Heroes! From the picture above we know that our daily social media creates a carbon footprint. Every minute we spend playing on social media, every minute we are also producing carbon. TikTok is one of the world’s most popular social media that produces the most carbon.
Every minute TikTok creates 2.63 grams of carbon, Reddit 2.48 grams of carbon, and Pinterest 1.3 grams of carbon. It cannot be denied that we also need social media every day to communicate with each other, facilitate work, and of course entertainment.
But, how do we know our carbon footprint and what the company is doing about it? So, let’s see the following explanation.
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Carbon Footprint Calculator

Like any other technology, social media also has a carbon footprint. But don’t worry, there are many platforms offering carbon footprinting services. Such as Compare The Market, this platform provides a calculator that can be used to calculate the amount of carbon footprint.

We just need to input how long (minutes) we play social media. Then, click calculate and it will show how much carbon footprint is produced. So simple.
With this calculator, we can manage our social media time so that we don’t have a large carbon footprint. So how are companies addressing the issue of the carbon footprint of social media. Let’s see the full story!
How the Companies Dealing with Carbon Footprint

Many companies are already aware of the importance of reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide. Social media companies are also paying attention to the carbon produced like TikTok and Pinterest. This company has committed to reduce carbon emissions and achieve net zero emissions.
TikTok has set a goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. It means that TikTok wants to reduce their carbon as much as possible. To achieve this goal, TikTok plans to reduce 90% operational emissions and use 100% energy resources. Besides that, TikTok also has other strategies to reach net zero goals by 2030 considering carbon offset credits, not as a replacement for direct emissions cuts but for offsetting unavoidable footprint.
Pinterest as a platform that provides visual images and as the largest carbon footprint producer also makes efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Pinterest is committed to purchasing 100% renewable energy for its offices around the world by 2023. Pinterest hopes this will be a step toward building a sustainable future for employees and the global community.
Easy Ways to Minimize Our Digital Carbon Footprint

We can also play a role in reducing our digital carbon footprint, whether from social media or other technology. There are several ways to reduce digital carbon that Sobat EBT Heroes can try anywhere.
- Turn off the devices when not in use because the devices still use energy even when in sleep mode
- Dont overnight charge the devices
- Move to the cloud and choose a cloud provider that uses renewable energy
- Consider setting limits for streaming videos or screen time in general
Read More
- Carbon Exchange: Learning from Pioneering Countries
- Qatar, Highest Per Capita Carbon Emitter in the World
Let’s start with ourselves to reduce our digital carbon footprint.
#zonaebt #EBTHeroes #SebarTerbarukan
Editor: Alvin Pratama
[1] Social Carbon Footprint Calculator
[2] TikTok Dances toward Net Zero Emissions by 2030