- Utilization of palm kernel shell biomass as an energy source has been carried out by PT Generation Java-Bali, which is a subsidiary of PT PLN.
- The use of palm shell biomass as fuel has been applied to the construction of a steam power plant in Tembilahan, Riau.
- This acceleration of the co-firing program is a form of PLN’s commitment to support the government in reducing carbon emissions in Indonesia.
Biomass can be used as an energy source to generate electricity. Sources of biomass itself can come from plants, one of which is from palm trees. Oil palm trees can produce various kinds of biomass, one of which is oil palm shells. Palm shell biomass can be used as an energy source to replace coal to generate electricity.
Utilization of palm shell biomass as an energy source has been carried out by PT Generation Java-Bali, which is a subsidiary of PT PLN. PT Generation Java-Bali has tested the use of palm shell biomass as fuel for a steam power plant. This palm shell biomass replaces coal (co-firing) as fuel for steam power plants. The use of palm shell biomass as fuel has been applied to the construction of a steam power plant in Tembilahan, Riau. The Tembilahan steam power plant has a capacity of 2 x 7 MW.
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The co-firing process is the process of adding biomass as a partial replacement fuel to a coal boiler. The benefit of implementing co-firing is that there is no need to build a new power plant, thus saving costs. In addition, co-firing also provides benefits by producing fewer emissions.
The transfer of the use of fuel for steam power plants is one form of the PLN Green Booster program. This acceleration of the co-firing program is a form of PLN’s commitment to support the government in reducing carbon emissions in Indonesia to achieve the carbon neutral target by 2060. In addition, palm shell biomass is expected to be applied to other steam power plants in order to achieve the clean energy mix target for Indonesia.
This program is also implemented to empower the community’s economy. In this case, the community can sell palm shells to improve the community’s economy from the income from the sale of the palm shells. And PLN also helps from an environmental perspective by utilizing waste from palm trees to be reused as fuel to generate electricity.
Currently, biomass cofiring has been implemented in 31 locations, with the utilization of 175 thousand tons of biomass. The implementation of palm shell biomass cofiring can produce 185 GWh of clean energy and a reduction of 184 thousand tons of CO2. PLN continues to optimize the implementation of cofiring so that it can reach a capacity of 1.8 gigawatts.
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Co-firing trials at the Tembilahan steam power plant are carried out in stages. The initial stage was carried out on June 12 by using 25% of the biomass as a fuel substitute for coal. Then, on June 15, the 100% firing process was completed. After that, an evaluation of the results of the firing process can be carried out.
The evaluation results from the co-firing trial of a steam power plant with palm shell biomass proved safe in operation. And the impact on the environment and society is also good. From the environmental aspect, oil palm shells have a lower sulfur content than coal. So that the resulting emissions are also lower.
PT Generation Java-Bali has implemented this innovation in 14 steam power plants spread throughout Indonesia. Currently, the implementation of PT Generation Java-Bali co-firing has resulted in a total green energy of 100.28 GWh.
[1] Gantikan Batu Bara, PLN Sukses Gunakan 100 Persen Biomassa Jadi Bahan Bakar PLTU Tembilahan
[2] Terbukti Ramah Lingkungan, PLTU Tembilahan Beralih Ke 100 Persen Biomass Cangkang Sawit