Author: Shabrina Azzahra

Plastic Waste: More Than 16,000 Hazardous Chemicals
Plastic Waste: More Than 16,000 Hazardous Chemicals
Illustration of plastic waste in the environment, Plastic contains over 16,000 types of chemicals...
Saving the forest fires: Indonesia's Important Role in AATHP
Saving the Forest Fires: Indonesia's Important Role in AATHP
Illustration of forest and land fires in Indonesia, Forest and land fires in Indonesia are...
Don't Let Mangroves Go Extinct! This is the solution that must do right now
Don't Let Mangroves Go Extinct! This Is the Solution That Must Do Right Now
Mangrove forests and various important roles for life, Indonesia is a country with the largest...
High Indonesian RLI Value: How Did Biodiversity Extinction Occur?
High Indonesian RLI Value: How Did Biodiversity Extinction Occur?
Illustration of animal and plant in Indonesia, Indonesia has a red list index value of 0.75...
How to achieve 10% marine protected areas in Indonesia
How to Achieve 10% Marine Protected Areas in Indonesia
Illustration of costal and marine protected through coral reef planting, Indonesia is ranked...
Indonesia's Plan to Reduce 70% of Plastic Waste by 2025
How to Reduce 70% Plastic Waste in Indonesia?
Plastic waste in the sea is a problem in Indonesia as a maritime country, National Geographic Indonesia...
Green Economy Forestry: A Solution to Improve Forest Service
Green Economy Forestry: A Solution to Improve Forest Service
Forests contribute to achieving a green economy, Indonesia has enormous forest potential with...

Pilihan Editor

Yayasan Solar Chapter dari Indonesia menjadi pemenang kedua program global Youth Innovation for a Sustainable Future.
Schneider Electric Foundation Rayakan 25Tahun dengan Penghargaan Inovasi Pemudauntuk Masa Depan Berkelanjutan
Mobil Plug-in Hybrid, Apa itu? Simak Penjelasannya
Permen ESDM No. 2/2024 Membatasi  Partisipasi Publik untuk mendukung Transisi Energi lewat PLTS Atap
Permen ESDM No. 2/2024 Membatasi  Partisipasi Publik untuk mendukung Transisi Energi lewat PLTS Atap
The Future of Wind Turbines : No More Blades
The Future of Wind Turbines : No More Blades
Mengubah Limbah menjadi Energi Berkelanjutan dengan PLTBm

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