Author: Ni Luh Putu Diah Raspadewi

The Potential of Used Cooking Oil as Biodiesel Feedstock in Indonesia
The Potential of Used Cooking Oil as Biodiesel Feedstock in Indonesia
Used cooking oil picture, source: Used cooking oil (UCO) is increasingly recognized as...
Bioplastic: A Sustainable Solution to Plastic Pollution
Bioplastic: A Sustainable Solution to Plastic Pollution
Bioplastic illustration, source: Bioplastics are a type of plastic that is made from...
Biomass in Cosmetics, Sustainable Everyday Products
Biomass in Cosmetics, Sustainable Everyday Products
Cosmetics product picture, source: Biomass is becoming a more prominent element in a...
Do You Know About Advanced Biofuels and Its Implementation in Indonesia?
Do You Know About Advanced Biofuels and Its Implementation in Indonesia?
Biofuel tank illustration, source: Advanced biofuels refers to a subset of biofuels that...
KEBI: Indonesian Biomass Energy Cooperative for Energy Security and Sustainable Economy
KEBI: Indonesian Biomass Energy Cooperative for Energy Security and Sustainable Economy
Wood pellet illustration, source: KEBI or the Indonesian Biomass Energy Cooperative is...
Transitioning from Traditional Biomass Energy to Contemporary Biomass Energy
Transitioning from Traditional Biomass Energy to Contemporary Biomass Energy
Wood pellet illustration, source: Traditional biomass energy refers to the use of organic...
Improvement of the Indonesian Economy from the Implementation of Biomass Energy
Improvement of the Indonesian Economy from the Implementation of Biomass Energy
Illustration of Indonesia’s National Flag, source: In 2014 the Indonesia National...
The Dilemma of Indonesia's Energy Plantation Forest Development for Biomass Raw
The Dilemma of Indonesia's Energy Plantation Forest Development for Biomass Raw Materials
Rainforest illustration, source: Indonesia is pursuing a 23% renewable energy mix, and...
Raw Material Constraints in Biomass Cofiring PLTU Indonesia
Raw Material Constraints in Biomass Cofiring PLTU Indonesia
Illustration of wood pellet, Biomass cofiring is one of the activities in the Green Booster...

Pilihan Editor

Wow!! Mobil Listrik Roda Tiga Dibanderol Seharga Rp 60 juta
Intip Spesifikasi Motor Listrik dari 5 Perusahaan Ini!
Panas Bumi Menjadi Salah Satu Kunci Untuk Membangun Ekosistem Dari Kendaraan Listrik!
Panas Bumi Menjadi Salah Satu Kunci Untuk Membangun Ekosistem Dari Kendaraan Listrik!
LindungiHutan Hadirkan Product Showcase 2
LindungiHutan Hadirkan Product Showcase 2.0: Inovasi Keberlanjutan Lebih dari Sekadar Menanam Pohon
Inilah Langkah Untuk Mempercepat Pengembangan Panas Bumi Di Indonesia!
Inilah Langkah Untuk Mempercepat Pengembangan Panas Bumi Di Indonesia!

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