Things You Need to Know Before Using The Home Wind Turbines

Illustration of Home Wind Turbine. Source
  • Home wind turbines are a smaller version of the large turbines you see on the side of the highway generating clean electrical energy from the wind’s kinetic energy.
  • A wind turbine has a blade, a pole, and a generator.
  • A typical home uses approximately 10,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per year (about 830 kWh per month).

Home wind turbines are a smaller version of the large turbines you see on the side of the highway generating clean electrical energy from the wind’s kinetic energy. While commercial wind farms use machines whose blades can create a diameter of 130 feet—about as long as a football field—a home system is much more condensed.

If your area is windy enough enough, home wind turbines can help lower electricity bills by as much as 50-90% and provide an uninterrupted power source through extended utility outages—all with zero emissions and pollution. Not only are they one of the most cost-effective home-based renewable energy systems, home turbines can be used for other applications such as pumping water for irrigation, which can be helpful in farms or ranches.

What is Home Wind Turbine?

Home Wind Turbines. Source

A wind turbine has a blade, a pole, and a generator. The blade works a bit like an airplane wing: as blowing air passes by both sides of the blade, its unique shape causes the wind pressure to become uneven, making the blade spin. This is where technology surpasses the traditional windmill.

A weather vane on the top connects to a computer to keep the machine positioned to run as efficiently as possible. The blades only turn about 18 revolutions per minute—not fast enough to generate electricity on its own—so they are attached to a rotor shaft and a series of gears that help increase the rotation to about 1,800 revolutions per minute.

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Since the higher up you go, the windier it is as a general rule of thumb, so larger turbines can pack a hefty punch when it comes to energy generation. Smaller properties that only need to power residential homes or small businesses may benefit from a small wind turbine, especially in rural areas that are not already connected to an energy grid (though home wind systems can also connect to an existing electric grid through your power provider).

What size wind turbine do I need?

Turbines used in residental applications. Source

Turbines used in residential applications can range in size from 400 watts to 100 kilowatts (100 kW for very large loads), depending on the amount of electricity you need to generate. For residential applications, you should establish an energy budget to help define the turbine size you will need. Because energy efficiency is usually less expensive than energy production, making your house more energy efficient first will probably be more cost effective and will reduce the size of the wind turbine you need. Wind turbine manufacturers can help you size your system based on your electricity needs and the specifics of local wind patterns.

A typical home uses approximately 10,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per year (about 830 kWh per month). Depending on the average wind speed in the area, a wind turbine rated in the range of 5 to 15 kilowatts would be required to make a significant contribution to this demand. A 1.5 kilowatt wind turbine will meet the needs of a home requiring 300 kWh per month in a location with a 14-mile-per-hour (6.26-meters-per-second) annual average wind speed. The manufacturer can provide you with the expected annual energy output of the turbine as a function of annual average wind speed. The manufacturer will also provide information on the maximum wind speed at which the turbine is designed to operate safely. Most turbines have automatic overspeed-governing systems to keep the rotor from spinning out of control in very high winds. This information, along with your local wind speed and your energy budget, will help you decide which size turbine will best meet your electricity needs.

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Is a Home Wind Turbine Right for Me?

Home wind turbines require a specific kind of planning and maintenance to be successful and a significant upfront investment. Home wind turbines should be installed by a qualified professional, and are not a DIY job. Most importantly, you’ll need to find out if small wind electric systems are even allowed in your area.

Potential buyers should estimate their site’s wind resource and research potential neighborhood zoning issues. You’ll want to consider monthly electrical usage, the rate you pay for electricity, and the amount of energy the wind turbine is estimated to generate.

It’s also a good idea to compare the installation of home wind generation with other clean energy options, like rooftop solar and efficiency upgrades, to make sure you’re getting the best value for your investment.

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References :

[1] Is a Home Wind Turbine Right for You?

[2] What size wind turbine do I need?

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