Mini Class: Pengantar Bisnis Pembangkit Panas Bumi di Indonesia

Mini Class Pengantar Bisnis Pembangkit Panas Bumi di Indonesia
Mini Class Pengantar Bisnis Pembangkit Panas Bumi di Indonesia

Hi, EBT Heroes! ✨

Mini Class Zonaebt hadir kembali dengan topik yang menarik dan tentunya mentor yang berpengalaman.

Berikut Informasi tentang Mini Class Zonaebt:
💡 Pengantar Bisnis Pembangkit Panas Bumi di Indonesia
📍 : Recording

🎁Benefit yang kamu dapatkan sebagai berikut :
✅Materi dan recording kelas
✅Grup Diskusi

‼️ Harga cuman 119.000 🔥

Kode diskon : ZONAEBT

🗣 Speakers
📌Ifnaldi Sikumbang – Konsultan independen Panas Bumi

Daftarkan dirimu segera di link berikut ini

Beli Sekarang


Ifnaldi Sikumbang, Indonesian Energy Specialist

I am an energy business specialist in Indonesia, with over 30 years of experience in working at both private and government sectors on almost kind of energy and energy business, has substantial knowledge of Government policies, regulations, potency, projects as well as business players.

Among activities : Team Leader for “Workable Biomass Co-Firing Business Study” for UNDP, a Part-time Consultant for PT. Odira Energy Persada, Dalle Energy, Served as consultant team of Partnership International ( US ) to BAPPENAS in the Geothermal Sector, Consultant for GIZ Germany – Jakarta for Renewable Energy Support Programme for ASEAN in preparing Indonesian Renewable Energy Guidelines for Mini Hydro, Biomass and Solar PV, and for UNDP MTRE, Consultant for an Indonesia Geothermal Exploration Services Company.

Active in several associations; Indonesian Wind Energy Association ( AEAI ), Indonesian Geothermal Association ( INAGA ), and Indonesian Electrical Power Society (MKI)

I hold a BSc in Physics from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta with an S-1 degree in Geophysics.

Services & Consultancy scope; Project and Opportunities Assessment, Data & Business Information, Public Relation Services, Writing, Etc.

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1 Comment

  1. Fantastic read! I was especially impressed by the depth provided on the topic, offering a perspective I hadn’t considered. Your insight adds significant value to the conversation. For future articles, it would be fascinating to explore more to dive deeper into this subject. Could you also clarify more about the topic? It caught my interest, and I’d love to understand more about it. Keep up the excellent work!