Urban Decarbonization Efforts Through Green Open Space

Source:  Dinas Taman dan Kehutanan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
  • Green Open Space is one of the public spaces overgrown with greenery designed to meet the needs of the community in various social activities in the open air.
  • In addition to the ecological function of green open space in the decarbonization process, there are also several functions of green open space in the economic, socio-cultural and aesthetic sectors.
  • Decarbonization in urban areas can be realized if the collaboration between the government and the community is successful, where the government has a function as a policymaker and supervisor that focuses on preventing and mitigating carbon emissions in cities.

What is Green Open Space?

Source:  Dinas Taman dan Kehutanan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Urbanization, driven by population growth, is a social phenomenon that can lead to significant environmental problems if not properly managed. It is common in countries experiencing economic and population growth, such as Indonesia, where people move from rural to urban areas in search of better job opportunities, improved public services, enhanced educational access and better economic resources. However, without adequate prevention and mitigation efforts, urbanization can contribute to environmental degradation. One effective solution to address the environmental impacts, particularly the issue of carbon emissions in urban areas, is the creation of urban green open spaces.

Green open space refers to public areas filled with greenery, designed to accommodate various community social activities in open-air settings. These spaces often include pathways or grouped areas that are intentionally or naturally designed for plants and trees to thrive. Examples of green open spaces include urban parks, urban forests, green belts, botanical gardens and sports fields. Typically, green open spaces are established around rivers, railways, cemeteries, pedestrian pathways, residential areas, offices and industrial zones.

Baca Juga

Why Green Open Space Is So Important For Cities?

Source: Zonaebt

Urban areas have a number of complex problems, one of the problems faced by urban areas is the problem of increasing carbon emissions caused by industrial activities, transportation emissions, construction processes, the use of fossil fuel electricity and industrial and household waste. Urban areas consume more than 66% of the world’s energy and produce more than 70% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. With the world’s population expected to reach 10 billion by 2100, and nearly 90% of people living in urban areas, an important question for the sustainability of the planet is how the size of cities affects energy use and carbon dioxide emissions (How urban agglomeration improves the emission efficiency? A spatial econometric analysis of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in China: 2020).

Green Open Space has an ecological function by absorbing carbon dioxide emissions in the air while producing oxygen through the process of photosynthesis of plants in it (Decarbonization), besides that the existence of green open space also indirectly provides adaptive benefits for urban communities in reducing greenhouse gases from community activities, such as; increase the number of pedestrians and cyclists in the green open space provided. Because of its very important function, green open space is specifically regulated in Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, in article 29 paragraph 2 of Law No. 26/2007 it is stated that the proportion of Green Open Space in the city area is at least 30 percent of the area of the city area. Meanwhile, in article 29 paragraph 3, it is explained that the proportion of public Green Open Space in the city area is at least 20 percent of the area of the city area. Green open spaces also have many functions in various sectors, such as; socio-cultural, economic and aesthetic functions.

Baca Juga

How Decarbonization Can Be Realized in Cities

Source: Greenpeace Indonesia

Decarbonization in urban areas can be realized if the collaboration between the government and the community is successful, where the government has a function as a policymaker and supervisor that focuses on preventing and mitigating carbon emissions in cities. Through comprehensive actions, the government can prioritize the development of environmentally friendly infrastructure in the transportation, energy, urban spatial planning and economic sectors. One example of its implementation is the availability of green open spaces in urban areas that are in accordance with the laws and regulations that have been passed. In addition, an active and massive role of the community is also needed in reducing activities that contribute to carbon emissions, protecting the environment and implementing a sustainable lifestyle. In addition, no less important, it is necessary to educate the community that is inclusive and effective about the impact of carbon emissions as well as efforts to reduce its impact. This is done to create collective and participatory awareness of environmental issues, especially those related to carbon emissions in urban areas.

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Editor : Alfidah Dara Mukti


  1. Ruang Terbuka Hijau: Pengertian, Tipologi, Fungsi, Manfaat dan Contohnya
  2. How urban agglomeration improve the emission efficiency? A spatial econometric analysis of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in China
  3. Contoh Ruang Terbuka Hijau dengan Jenis dan Fungsinya yang Sangat Vital
  4. Dekarbonisasi Transportasi Perkotaan untuk Pembangunan

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