The Installation of Roof Solar Panels at Home is Constrained by the Licensing of PLN

The Installation of Roof Solar Panels at Home is Constrained by the Licensing of PLN
  • Solar panels are one of the solutions to achieve the target of net-zero emissions.
  • In the installation of solar panels, there are several obstacles, one of which is licensing from PLN
  • According to AESI, the problem with the installation of rooftop solar panels was caused by the delay in Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 26 of 2021.

Solar panels are an energy source that can produce electrical energy from solar power. In this case, solar power becomes an energy source that is used to produce electrical energy. In generating electricity, these solar panels produce fewer gas emissions, making them more environmentally friendly. When compared to energy sources derived from fossil fuels, solar power is more efficient in generating electrical energy. This is because the source of energy from solar power is not limited.

Thus, solar panels are one of the solutions to achieve the target of net-zero emissions. Currently, the use of solar panels is increasing. One of the uses of solar panels can be used to meet electricity needs at home. The use of solar panels can provide benefits for users, one of which is reducing electricity bills.

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In Bali, the use of solar panels at home has begun to be applied in several homes. As reported by, a resident in Bali named Gung Kayon has been using solar panels to meet the electricity needs of his home since 2016. He uses these solar panels to power his lawn mower.

In addition, I Gede Putra Angga Sastra has also installed six solar panels with a maximum power of 2,700 WP in October last year. The use of solar panels is an advantage for him. He can save about 70% on electricity bills each month after using solar panels.

In Surabaya, Elieser Tarigan has installed solar panels on the roof of his house since 2012. Elieser has installed solar panels covering an area of ​​10 square meters on the roof of his house. Ten years later, Elieser tried an on-grid system connected to the PLN network. This solar panel is connected to an import-export electricity meter to calculate excess solar panel electricity that is sold or exported to the PLN grid.

In the installation of solar panels, there are several obstacles, one of which is licensing from PLN. The difficulty of installing rooftop solar power plants in various regions was revealed by the Indonesian Solar Energy Association.

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According to AESI, the problem with the installation of rooftop solar panels was caused by the delay in Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 26 of 2021. The delay in implementing this government regulation has also caused uncertainty in clean energy investment.

The government is holding back the use of the regulation because it considers the impact that will be received by the state electricity company, PT PLN. One of them is the change in export tariffs from 65% to 100%, which is considered to be detrimental to the PLN.

Requests for permits to PLN leaders in the regions are contained in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 49 of 2018 in article seven. There are two requirements that applicants must meet to install a rooftop solar power plant. First, the administrative requirement is in the form of a customer identification number. Second, the technical requirements are the amount of installed power, the technical specifications of the equipment to be installed, and a one-line diagram.

[1] Tersebab Setrum Surya Hemat Biaya
[2] Pemasangan PLTS Atap Terhambat Perizinan PLN, Komitmen EBT Indonesia Dipertanyakan

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