Solar Boats Become a New Innovations of Renewable Energy

Solar boats
  • Solar boats are a new innovation in utilizing renewable energy. This boat utilizes the sun’s energy source as fuel for the boat.
  • According to a renewable energy observer from the Community Initiatives for Transformation (Commit) Foundation, solar panels used by some fishermen are indeed used to support fishing activities, such as radar, GPS, radio, lights and others.
  • Solar panels are considered the best solution for the development of renewable energy, pursuing zero carbon emissions in the face of climate change.

Solar boats are a new innovation in utilizing renewable energy. This boat utilizes the sun’s energy source as fuel for the boat. It has been widely used by fishermen at Teluk Baruk Harbor, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands Province (Kepri). The fishermen no longer want to depend on diesel fuel to fuel their boats. Therefore, fishermen are now switching to using this solar-powered boat. Solar boats are considered capable of reducing fishermen’s dependence on diesel fuel when they want to go to sea.

The size of the solar panels installed on the boat is about one square meter. Each boat has one to four solar panels installed. The use of about three solar panels on the boat means electricity from the panels is never cut off. Even though it can be up to 15 days. Apart from being used as fuel, the electricity generated from these solar panels can be used for other fishing purposes.

There is process of harvesting solar energy sources into electricity on a boat. It is carried out when the electricity generated by the solar panels is channeled directly to the battery. Then the battery splits the electrical power into various needs on board. Not only that, the electricity generated by solar panels also turns on the radar or GPS on the boat. This tool is useful as a guide to see the position of the reef fishing location in the middle of the sea. Since there are solar panels, fishermen are very easy to find coral spots where fish hide in the sea.

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According to the chairman of the Natuna Fishermen’s Alliance (ANN), the solar panel boards were obtained by fishermen by buying their own. And also with some government assistance. Previously, fishermen used batteries whose energy source came from electricity on land with a charge system. And the cost of charging the battery is around Rp.10,000 to Rp.15,000 for one time. With solar panels installed on the boat, this will save more costs.

According to a renewable energy observer from the Community Initiatives for Transformation (Commit) Foundation, the use of solar panel roofs on boats is very helpful for fishermen. Solar panels used by some fishermen are indeed used to support fishing activities, such as radar, GPS, radio, lights and others.

It is possible that solar panel boat engines for fishermen can continue to be developed. Even to go to sea for long distances. Fishing boats only need a few batteries or batteries to store electrical power that comes from solar panels. In fact, ships that initially use one propeller drive can be upgraded to two using electricity harvested from the sun.

The development of solar panels on fishing boats is indeed a challenge. In addition to the high price of fuel oil, currently the distribution of diesel fuel is very difficult between islands. In some studies, almost 70 percent of a fisherman’s capital at sea has to be spent to pay for diesel fuel to propel the ship. In this case, the government is expected to be able to think about the issue of developing renewable energy in the sea and on small islands. Integrity between companies and communities needs to be developed.

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Solar panels are considered the best solution for the development of renewable energy. And it’s pursuing zero carbon emissions in the face of climate change. A study from the Faculty of Engineering and Marine Sciences, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, entitled “Penghitungan Kebutuhan Daya Listrik untuk Penggerak Perahu Nelayan Bertenaga Surya” in 2020. In this study, fishing boats can be made more environmentally friendly and economical through solar panels.

Renewable energy from the sun has advantages over other energy sources, such as solar energy being non-consumable, low maintenance, high efficiency, non-polluting, and low cost. It is said that it is very possible to use it on fishing boats.

The conclusion of this study shows, based on calculations, that the absorption of solar energy from solar panels with a capacity of 12V/150 ah with a basic calculation of absorption for 4 hours can be used to propel fishing boats. This energy can move fishing boats up to 3-4 knots with a boat dimension of 4 meters long and 1.33 m wide. Still, in the same study, energy storage uses VRLA type batteries with excess dimensions and battery weight. So the battery can save space and boat load.

Editor: Riana Nurhasanah


[1]Panen Matahari di Atas Kapal Nelayan Natuna

[2]Tak Ingin Bergantung pada Solar, Nelayan Gunakan Panel Surya

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