Site Manager (Project Manager)

Kualifikasi :

  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Renewable Energy.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience as a Site Manager, preferably with experience in Solar Panel projects.
  • Willing to be placed on project sites (both local and out-of-town).
  • Familiar material assesments, Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and prepare Cost of Goods Sold (HPP).
  • Proficient Ms. Office (Ms. Excel and Ms. Word) and Autocad 2D.
  • Demonstrates leadership skills, good communication, analytical thinking, attention to detail, high initiative, and ability to work in a team.
  • Honest, disciplined, and responsible.
  • Having a driver licenses A & C

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  1. Melakukan inspeksi dan evaluasi awal lokasi proyek untuk memastikan kelayakan instalasi panel surya.
  2. Merencanakan semua aspek proyek, termasuk alokasi sumber daya, tenaga kerja, dan peralatan.
  3. Membuat jadwal proyek yang realistis dan memastikan pemenuhan target waktu.
  4. Mengawasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan di lapangan, kemajuan proyek, dan kepatuhan terhadap spesifikasi teknis dan standar mutu
  5. Melakukan Pengawasan dan berkoordinasi dengan Pekerja lapangan, termasuk dalam kegiatan Engineer, Drafter, subkontraktor, dan buruh (Man Power) untuk memastikan pelaksanaan proyek yang efisien
  6. Mengelola anggaran proyek, memantau pengeluaran, dan memastikan kepatuhan dengan anggaran yang telah ditetapkan
  7. Memastikan bahwa seluruh personil mematuhi prosedur keselamatan kerja dan menggunakan peralatan pelindung diri (PPE).
  8. Menyusun dan mengkoordinasikan pelatihan keselamatan rutin.
  9. Memastikan perolehan izin dan persetujuan yang diperlukan dari otoritas lokal dan lembaga terkait.
  10. Mengelola inventaris peralatan, suku cadang, dan bahan yang diperlukan untuk proyek.
  11. Memastikan ketersediaan sumber daya yang cukup.
  12. Mempersiapkan dan memelihara dokumentasi proyek yang akurat, termasuk laporan, jadwal, dan perintah perubahan

Deksripsi Perusahaan :

Etrama Energy was founded two years ago with the vision of to become a leading company in renewable energy sector by customer satisfaction priority. Since then, we have been advocating for solar energy adoption and have now growth to be one of the leading renewable energy companies in Indonesia. Later embarked on a strategic roadmap to offers more clean energy solutions.

This roadmap includes wind turbine, solar street light system, electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem solutions, energy efficiency, battery energy storage system (BESS) and other clean energy solutions. Etrama Energy is a consistantly growing company which business focused on providing solar Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) solutions for projects covering domestic houses, commercial and industrial properties.

Etrama Energy is supported by a team of professionals dedicated to providing the highest quality services and by global suppliers with top quality products. We also provide operation and maintenance (O&M) services of solar PV systems.

Mari gabung GROUP KOMUNITAS GREEN JOBS, dapatkan update lowongan kerja terbaru melalui link berikut ini 

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