ZE Database:
Gerbang Informasi Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia

PT. Total Biofuel Indonesia


Tentang Instansi

We established our company in Indonesia in 2021 with the business vision of “Enriching the World Now and in the Future” using the power of energy. The SDGs have now become international goals, and countries around the world are moving toward the realization of a decarbonized society. Among the five renewable energy sources -solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass -we are focusing on woody biomass power generation, which uses fuel such as palm kernel shells (PKS).

PKS is a woody residue generated in the process of extracting oil from palm shells. With the increase in palm oil production in Southeast Asia, waste disposal of PKS has become a problem. On the other hand, PKS is a high-power fuel with higher calorific value than ordinary wood, and can be regarded as a “carbon neutral” clean resource that does not contribute to increasing CO2 emissions when burned.

If PKS can be used as a new biomass fuel, the scale of woody biomass power generation in the world can be maintained and fluctuations in fuel supply can be covered. To achieve this, it is necessary to realize a stable supply of PKS fuel on a large scale.

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