Mini Class: Pengenalan Proyek Karbon berbasis Provisi Air, Rehabilitasi, dan Konservasi di Indonesia

Mini Class Mini Class: Pengenalan Proyek Karbon berbasis Provisi Air, Rehabilitasi, dan Konservasi di Indonesia

Hi, EBT Heroes! ✨

Mini Class Zonaebt hadir kembali dengan topik yang menarik dan tentunya mentor yang berpengalaman.

🎁Benefit yang kamu dapatkan sebagai berikut :
✅Materi dan recording kelas
✅Grup Diskusi

‼️ Harga cuman 119.000 🔥

Kode diskon : ZONAEBT

🗣 Speakers
📌Trimo Pamudji Al Djono- Ketua Yayasan Inovasi Pembangunan Hijau & Ketua OKK Indonesia Carbon Trade Association

Daftarkan dirimu segera di link berikut ini

Beli Sekarang


For almost 25 years working, I was work in a non-profit and profit organization where all types of work used a community-based approach. However, peoples often see me as an engineer focusing on infrastructure, especially drinking water and sanitation projects, that’s I put my title as Water & Sanitation Specialist, not Community Development Specialist.

In the other, some of the CVs that I have sent are written as Community Development Specialist for the water & sanitation sector to inform users to process my application.

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