Hi, EBT Heroes! ✨
Mini Class Zonaebt hadir kembali dengan topik yang menarik dan tentunya mentor yang berpengalaman.
🎁Benefit yang kamu dapatkan sebagai berikut :
✅Materi dan recording kelas
✅Grup Diskusi
‼️ Harga cuman 119.000 🔥
Kode diskon : ZONAEBT
🗣 Speakers
📌Putra Adhiguna: Managing Director Energy Shift Institute
Daftarkan dirimu segera di link berikut ini
Sparking conversations that matter to move the needle, minus the fluff.
Exploring energy transition nuances of emerging and developed markets, treading the usual impossible juggle between welfare, climate and politics.
A bit of contextualizing, setting up guardrails, and carving the narrative of change.
An interdisciplinary thinker with more than 15 years experience in leading a team of 300+ in Fortune500 organization. Previously served on the board of a $400M project in the world’s largest single geothermal development.
An engineer by training with a master’s in public policy from LSE. My views and publications have been featured in various outlets such as the Reuters, JakPost, The Straits Times and WSJ.
Let’s connect and exchange perspectives, agree or disagree. For more sophisticated readers kindly note that my posts may involve mundane topics such as subsidies and coal gasification 🙂