Aturan Baru Pasang Panel Surya

Sejarah! pemerintah akhirnya ketok palu. Membuka harapan kita semua untuk energi bersih yang berkeadilan. Per bulan Februari 2022, pemerintah melalui Kementerian Energi Sumberdaya Mineral. Telah sah mengeluarkan sebuah Permen ESDM Nomor 26 Tahun 2022. Hal ini merupakan revisi dari Permen ESDM 48 Tahun 2018. 

Sebuah kabar baik untuk kita semua, para pegiat energi bersih. Ada satu hal yang menarik kita simak. Di dalam peraturan tersebut dijelaskan bahwa adanya perubahan ketentuan ekspor kWh listrik. Dari yang semula ekspor listrik dihargai 65%, dengan mengacu pada permen terbaru, maka ekspor listrik bakal dihargai 100%. 

Hal ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi pendorong berkembangnya pasar PLTS Atap. Terlebih lagi wacana pemerintah menetapkan target sebesar 3.6 GW PLTS Atap. Jika EBT Heroes bingung dimana tempat membeli PLTS Atap, tidak perlu bingung lagi. Cukup kunjungi semua kebutuhan panel surya tersedia disana. Ayo jangan tunda-tunda lagi, mulai dari sekarang. 

Jalan menuju revisi dari Permen 26 tahun 2021. Tidak semulus dibayangkan, terdapat penundaan implementasi dan juga hal lainnya. Tepat awal tahun 2022, Permen tersebut baru bisa di sah kan dan menjadi tonggak sejarah perkembangan EBT di Indonesia. 

Sudah, paham dengan aturan baru pasang panel surya atap?, Simak infografik berikut

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  1. Why Employing An Social Security Incapacity Lawyer Turns Out to Be Important.
    Employing Your SSA Impairment Legal Professional Proves to Be Compulsory.

    The Social Services Allocation Administers numerous programs from jobless coverage to economic relief, and also handles incapacity remuneration for folks incapable to do a job due to chronic illness or trauma. As with each and every complicated group, there are laws and guidelines which must be observed by the aforementioned body in orderliness to obtain beneficial outcomes. In need of an Skilled lawyer for SSA Could be essential.

    Employing a seasoned Social Security Disability attorney will guide you maneuver the intricacies of Social Security Administration Sustaining Social Aid, enhancing your chances of approval for perks. They may assure that your submission is registered accurately and includes substantiating medical evidence; additionally, they comprehend how to collect this evidence rapidly so it is not filed late; additionally, they could avoid providing irrelevant data that can trigger holdups and denials by the Shielding Social Assets.

    Your disability advisor will also get you ready you for a hearing with Social Security Administration if your application is turned down, by explaining what to anticipate at it and addressing any of your questions about what happens there. They will help with providing additional evidence and asking the judge who heard your lawsuit to examine their judgment and interrogate witnesses or job experts called by SSA to testify on your behalf, which can boost the chance that an first appeal for disability prospers if initially denied. Lawyers for social security disability will regain any past due perks because of changes in the starting date, which signifies when your situation began. Skilled supporters of those with disabilities can assist with recovering any past due privileges that might have been lost attributable to changes in the starting date or when your situation began.

    [url=]Qualifying for Social Security Disability necessitates a thorough assessment of the severity of your health issues[/url]

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