Kualifikasi Umum:
- S1 in Engineering preferred with 7 years in project management experience or S2 in Engineering preferred with 2 years in project management experience
- More than 5 years’ work experience from power utilities, engineering companies, or power sector consulting companies
- Experience with solar and / or hybrid power projects
- Willingness to travel to other city or village according to the project location
- Fluency in English.
- Excellent report writing, proposal, presentation and verbal communication skills
- Experience in client interaction, stakeholder engagement and arrange workshop, FGD, and training.
- Ability to work well with people from a range of cultures and capability to manage team to meet project deadlines
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
- Preparation and management of conceptual design studies, feasibility studies, lenders engineer and independent engineer projects, and technical due diligence assessments for renewable energy projects
- Management of various other technical consulting assignments for solar and other renewable energy projects
- Project and team management, coordination with team to complete objectives and deliverables for each of the projects.
- Conduct Stakeholders Engagement at Various Administrative Levels in relevant institutions.
- Lead Focal Group Discussions, Capacity Building, and Workshops with relevant stakeholders (Preparation, Implementation, and Reporting).
- Preparation of reports for the clients as required and coordinating the internal report preparation process
- Possibility to expand role to include business development, proposal preparation and consulting contract negotiation, as well as project management of other type of renewable energy and thermal power projects
- Management of tendering projects and renewable energy project development in general
Deskripsi Usaha:
Inovasi Dinamika Pratama menyediakan layanan studi kelayakan dan konsultasi untuk memungkinkan proyek investasi elektrifikasi pedesaan menggunakan energi terbarukan.
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