Kualifikasi Umum:
• Usia maksimal 38 Tahun
• Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dibidang PLTS
• Mampu menginplementasikan DED PLTS dengan baik dan benar di proyek
• Mampu menerangkan sistem PLTS kepada installatir
• Mampu melakukan pengawasan pada Installatir, memastikan gambar kontruksi sipil. mekanik dan elektrikal dengan baik dan benar
• Mampu membuat laporan pekerjaan harian, mingguan dan bulanan dengan baik dan rapi.
• Mampu menganalisa kebutuhan material di proyek sesuai tahap perkembangan pekerjaan di proyek
• Memastikan pekerjaan sesuai dengan jadwal yang sudah diberikan oleh Project Engineer
• Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja sesuai dengan lokasi Proyek
• Dibutuhkan untuk jadi karyawan maupun per proyek
Deskripsi Usaha:
We respect the individual, and believe that individuals who are treated with respect and given responsibility respond by giving their best. We are frugal. We guard and conserve the company’s resources with the same vigilance which we would use to guard and conserve our own personal resources. We are believers in the Golden Rule. In all our dealings we will strive to be friendly and courteous, as well as fair and compassionate. Quality is a Standard. Our goal is simply to be the best and to connually improve. This is accomplished through focused teamwork, pride in our work, quality controlled systems, and by hiring and educang the best people we can possibly find. Our team members are quality focused. Safety is our Culture. Keeping our employees and our client projects safe are the most important maer to us, and safety will always come first as we strive for accident-free projects. We are commied to safety. Commied to Clients. We feel a sense of urgency on any maers related to our clients. We own problems and we are always responsive. We are client driven. Innovative Solutions. Our team members are focused, developed, and proficient on the most advanced technologies, methods, and processes in the industrial engineering, construcon, & maintenance sector. We are experts in our field. Our company leaders, management, & employees make our values visible.
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Pendaftaran Green jobs Site Engineer Solar Panel: