Kualifikasi Umum:
- Written communication skills
- Proficient in English and Bahasa Indonesia
- Currently in 3rd or 4th year of University will be a plus
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
- Look for non-commercial funding
- Draft grant proposals
- Coordinate with other departments to approach potential grants
- Manage ongoing grants with other departments
- Produce grant deliverables (reports, articles, etc)
Deskripsi Usaha:
CarbonEthics is an organization that aims to restore the climate balance through nature-based solutions with pioneers in blue carbon conservation. When you conserve with CarbonEthics, you are not only creating positive environmental change, but you are advancing social impact by directly enhancing the livelihoods of our local community partners.
Mari gabung GROUP KOMUNITAS GREEN JOBS, dapatkan update lowongan kerja terbaru melalui link berikut ini http://bit.ly/PendaftaranGreenjobsZoanebtbsZoanebt
Pendaftaran Green jobsĀ Grant Officer Volunteer :