Kualifikasi Umum:
Usia maksimal 28 Tahun
-Pendidikan Minimal S1 Konversi Energy, Energii Terbarukan, Teknik Elektro
-Memiliki passion untuk bekerja di bidang renewable energy
-Memiliki kemampuan di bidang electrical engineering, energy conversion, and power system
-Mampu mengoperasikan AutoCad, Helioscope, PVSyst, dan SketchUp
-Pekerja Keras, Jujur, Teliti dan Bertanggung Jawab
-Mampu bekerja mandiri dan bekerjasama dengan team
-Lebih disukai jika bisa berbahasa Inggris
Deskripsi Usaha:
Based in Jakarta, ID, PT ATW Solar Indonesia (‘ATW Solar’) is an independent EPC company specialized in solar photovoltaic complete system integration and energy storage solutions.
Focusing on the C&I market segment, ATW Solar is mainly managed by RE enthusiasts, solar photovoltaic experts, professionals, engineers, who have the same operations team mindset to spread-out the use of solar photovoltaic with attractive preposition to better serve customers.
Following the rapid growth of solar photovoltaic business in Indonesia, ATW Solar has also continue to expand its business operations. Human capital and organization development is our management most concerns, we welcome young talents with various related RE engineering background to develop their future career as well to help preserve the earth by joining our Team.
Mari gabung GROUP KOMUNITAS GREEN JOBS, dapatkan update lowongan kerja terbaru melalui link berikut ini http://bit.ly/PendaftaranGreenjobsZoanebtbsZoanebt
Pendaftaran Green jobs Electrical Engineer :