Power Plant Section Head (Kalimantan Selatan)

Power Plant Section HeadGreen Jobs zonaebt.com

Kualifikasi Umum

• Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Electrical / Mechanical Engineering or equivalent.
• At least 7 year(s) of working experience in Power Plant Operation.
• Willing to be located in Tarjun, South Kalimantan

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

• Monitor and ensure the smoothness of water supply for process (RO), PDAM water, electricity and steam and maintain the quantity and quality of electricity generated so that production operations can run smoothly and safely.
• Conducting external coordination (related agencies) related to:
• Provision of raw water for Water Treatment Plant.
• PLN’s electricity supply.
• Certification of inspection of equipment and machines.
• To coordinate with related sections so that PDAM’s supply / supply of water, electricity and coal will not be disturbed.
• Monitor actual recording of Utility usage (daily usage of steam, electricity (PLN & Genset / Solar), water and coal) so that it can be traced to ensure the amount of usage properly.
• Coordinate the action (start / stop production) to the production department for consideration of emergency conditions that occur in the Utility.
• Make mining planning aka an increase in production capacity and quality in Utility.
• Plan and ensure the implementation of preventive maintenance is done well on schedule.
• Coordinate the repair of utility equipment.
• Verify the implementation of PRP and Deep Cleaning is running effectively, and Ensure Correction action is implemented when there are Irregularities.
• Make monthly perfomance.
• Responsible for employee development in Utility.
• Responsible for the smoothness and accuracy of the SAP administration.
• Coordinate Power Plant & Utility team to achieve KPI respectively.
• Run Safety Regulation in accordance with applicable policies.
• Responsible for the implementation of work discipline.
• Running the implementation of quality management system (ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 22000: 2005, Halal, SMK3, ISCC system, RSPO, SMART D_Safe, OHSAS 18001, HACCP).
• Responsible for maintaining and maintaining all work equipment (equipment) and environmental hygiene (environtment) at work sites.
• Review, evaluate and submit monthly report section to dept. Head
• Recommend improvements (if any) related to reports from officers / foreman.

Deskripsi Usaha

PT SMART Tbk (SMART) is one of the largest, publicly-listed, integrated palm-based consumer companies in Indonesia committed to sustainable palm oil production.
SMART’s palm oil plantations cover more than 138,000 hectares (including smallholder farmers). Our primary activities are cultivating and harvesting oil palms, processing fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) into crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel, and refining CPO into value-added products such as cooking oil, margarine, and shortening. We operate 16 mills, four kernel crushing plants and four refineries across Indonesia.

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