Kualifikasi Umum
• Pendidikan Minimal D3/S1 untuk produk Panel Surya & kelengkapannya
• Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun di proyek PLTS Pemerintah atau Swasta.
• Diutamakan berdomisili di daerah Parung Panjang – Legok – Tangerang Selatan
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
• Mencari potensi customer baru, mengembangkan database customer baru, dan mengatur pertemuan dengan customer baru.
• Bertanggung jawab pada seluruh omset penjualan.
• Menjaga hubungan baik dengan customer yang sudah ada.
• Menganalisa data penjualan, mencari tahu, dan memenuhi kebutuhan customer.
Deskripsi Usaha
Established in 1995 in Jakarta , born with his knowledge of the length of the world in the era of Radio Telecommunications Call the operator. After the economic crisis of 1998 , PT BUMIKHARISMA LININUSA of industry is getting stronger role in Telecommunications . Our reputation in the form of infrastructure development, Telecommunications ( BTS ) stretches from the island of Sumatra , Java , Kalimantan and Sulawesi . Design and construction Telecommunication Equipment and Software is used by thousands of private enterprise and Government Institutions . Recognizing that the condition in Indonesia currently require accelerated development of physical infrastructure , PT BUMIKHARISMA LININUSA partner with the experience and confidence to develop National and International Specialty Chemical products , the best product is closely related to quality improvement and acceleration of the development of the national infrastructure that is Addmixture for Cement and Concrete plant , and Novocrete for road development . In this PT.BUMIKHARISMA of industry Specialty Chemical distributor LININUSA is involved intensively to contribute expertise and products to improve the quality of infrastructure . Cement, Concrete , and roads in Indonesia.
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