Carbon Footprint: How Could It be?

The Carbon Footprint. Source:
  • All activities carried out by humans on this earth certainly have an impact on the earth, both positive and negative impacts.
  • Carbon is a substance that is known to contribute to serious problems to our earth.
  • Several activities that can be involved in carbon footprint: the use of fossil fuel vehicles, and food comsumption.

Sobat EBT Heroes, all activities carried out by humans on this earth certainly have an impact on the earth, both positive and negative impacts. One of the negative impacts caused by human activities on earth is leaving a carbon footprint.

Carbon is a substance that is known to contribute to serious problems to our earth. The more advanced industrial technology today is directly proportional to the increasing supply of carbon released along with the production process.

Apart from industrial production activities, there are several other activities that can contribute to the carbon footprint on the earth, including:

The Use of Fossil Fuel Vehicles

Fossil Fuel Vehicle. Source:

The more modern human life on this earth causes the high mobility that occurs every day. Humans need to move from one place to another for the sake of life. Not infrequently the distance that must be traveled cannot be reached only by walking but must use a vehicle.

Vehicles that are currently developing almost entirely use fossil fuels. Fuels such as gasoline, diesel or gas are fuels that can leave a carbon footprint when used.

Traveling by using private vehicles that use fossil fuels can cause us to contribute to the carbon footprint on this earth. In the end, we contribute to produce more CO2 emission gas.

Along with the growth of human awareness to protect the earth from the effects of carbon gas emissions, several technologies were born that minimize the use of fossil fuels in vehicles. Such as electric-powered vehicles and invitations to use public transportation rather than private vehicles.

Baca Juga

The Use of Electrical Energy

Electrical Energy. Source:

Electricity is an extraordinary discovery in human life. As a modern human being, human life cannot be far from electricity.

Electricity is used to support the survival of everyday humans. Electronic devices such as TVs, air conditioners, lights, refrigerators, washing machines, and other electronic equipment require a large amount of electrical energy every day.

Baca Juga

Unfortunately, current electrical energy is very dependent on fossil energy sources. Electricity can continue to flow to human homes by utilizing fossil energy such as coal.

The high use of electrical energy is directly proportional to the high use of fossil energy which in turn causes an increase in carbon footprint which leads to greenhouse gas emissions. This is why the introduction of renewable energy sources is often done at this time. Starting from the use of solar power to meet electricity needs at home, calls to turn off electricity when not needed and campaigns or activities such as “Earth Hour” which aims to minimize the carbon footprint generated from electricity use.

Food Consumption

Who would have thought that a simple basic human activity like “eating” could contribute a carbon footprint to the earth?

The phenomenon of leaving food scraps on the plate nowadays is common. Did you know that these activities have a negative impact on our beloved earth?

Food that is not spent will cause the accumulation of leftovers or commonly known as food waste. Food that accumulates and decomposes will contribute a significant amount of carbon footprint on this earth.

Apart from that, the phenomenon of eating exported food is also currently trending. The process of traveling and sending food uses a lot of fossil energy. This fossil energy results in a large carbon footprint as well.

The next food-related phenomenon is our penchant for consuming processed foods. The food processing process is known to contribute to a large carbon footprint because the tools used use fossil energy.

This is why lately we often encounter efforts or calls to reduce food waste and invitations to consume food with minimal production processes.

Sobat EBT Heroes, those are some activities that can contribute to the carbon footprint on this earth. Before it’s too late, let’s try to reduce activities that harm the earth by doing the little things we can do.

#zonaebt #sebarterbarukan #ebtheroes

Editor: Azahra Nabila


[1] A Definition of ‘Carbon Footprint’

[2] What is Carbon Footprint?

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