All You Need to Know About UPC Renewables Indonesia

Illustration of PLTB Sidrap. Source UPC Renewables Indonesia
  • UPC-formed companies have developed more than 4,500 MW of now operating wind and solar projects globally.
  • UPC decided to develop the wind energy sector in Indonesia because starting in 2011 there are more
    wind turbine designs that are more suitable for low-speed wind frequently found in tropica/equatoriall
    regions such as Indonesia.
  • UPC Renewables is highly committed in participating in the Government of Indonesia’s effort to accelerate the transition toward clean energy and the development renewable energy in Indonesia

The availability of wind energy potential that has yet to be optimally used for power generation as green renewable energy makes many companies want to take steps in developing the potential of these resources. The ZONAEBT team has interviewed one of the companies behind the successes of the PLTB Sidrap

Introduction of UPC Renewables Indonesia

UPC Renewables Indonesia for PLTB Sidrap

UPC-formed companies have developed more than 4,500 MW of now operating wind and solar projects
globally. In the Asia Pacific region, UPC has a +1GW portfolio of operating and in construction assets in
China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, India and Vietnam and a +10GW development portfolio in
Australia, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Taiwan and Korea. We supply renewable
energy at the lowest price possible in a socially and environmentally responsible way by utilizing
innovative wind turbine technology and photovoltaic systems. UPC develops, builds, owns, and operates wind and solar farms as an Independent Power Producer at the highest international standards.

UPC commenced activities in end of 2011 and established PT UPC Renewables Indonesia to manage
development of renewable projects in Indonesia, including the Sidrap 75 MW Wind Farm project and
other renewable energy projects such as wind farm, solar photovoltaic and biomass projects.

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Why UPC choose to develop wind power business

UPC decided to develop the wind energy sector in Indonesia because starting in 2011 there are more
wind turbine designs that are more suitable for low-speed wind frequently found in tropica/equatoriall
regions such as Indonesia.
UPC identified the availability of wind energy potential that has yet to be optimally used for power
generation as green renewable energy that do not create pollution and can help in reducing greenhouse
gases emissions from the power generation sector that are aligned with the Republic of Indonesia’s
ambitious targets to increase the renewable energy mix in the primary energy use to 23% in year 2025.
The results of UPC’s research in Indonesia ensure that there are at least several locations to build PLTB
with a capacity of 500 – 1000 MW. Sidrap has very good wind potential to be developed.

PLTB Sidrap Reaches The Important Milestone of Having Produced 1,000 GWh of Clean Renewable Power

SIDENRENG RAPPANG, 3 December 2022 – PT UPC Sidrap Bayu Energy (SBE) today announced that PLTB Sidrap has reached a key milestone of having produced over 1,000 GWh of clean, green, and renewable energy since COD in April 2018; enough to supply power to more than 900,000 customers. PLTB Sidrap 75 MW; currently the biggest utility-scale and the first windfarm in Indonesia, inaugurated by President
Joko Widodo, has marked this milestone with a commemorative polo shirt for the Team at SBE and a celebratory lunch.

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What kind of support does the government provide to UPC Renewables Indonesia

On September 13, 2022, President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation No. 112/ 2022 on The
Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development to help encourage renewable energy investment in
Indonesia. The new regulation introduces a new benchmark price for each type of renewable energy
source power; geothermal, hydro, solar, wind, and biomass – to be purchased by state-owned electricity
firm PT PLN (Persero), considering the location factor (F) of the power project. The government will also
provide fiscal incentives including financial facilities and ease of licensing in forest areas for renewable

UPC obtained Income Tax Facilities for Investment in Certain Business Fields and/or in Certain Regions.
Which provide benefits for UPC such as: reduce plant operating costs, accelerate the payback period for
investment and allows additional generating capacity.

UPC Renewables is highly committed in participating in the Government of Indonesia’s effort to accelerate the transition toward clean energy and the development renewable energy in Indonesia seeking to support other businesses sectors and reduce overall medium terms power generation costs.

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