Organic Sourcing Officer

Organic Sourcing OfficerGreen Jobs

Kualifikasi Umum

  1. Pernah melakukan proses sertifikasi organic perkebunan
  2. Menguasai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  3. Berpengalaman di bidang Agroindustry minimal 5 tahun

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  1. Implementasi System Pertanian Organik untuk perkebunan kelapa
  2. Set up dari awal Organic Farming dimulai dari pendataan perkebunan
  3. Pendampingan dan pelatihan para petani untuk proses sertifikasi
  4. Validasi data perkebunan di lapangan
  5. Penyusunan dokumen untuk audit sertifikasi
  6. Pendampingan dengan auditor selama proses sertifikasi
  7. Penyusunan dan implementasi ICP Organic

Deskripsi Usaha

Dewacoco is a tradename under the Singapore-Indonesian company PT. Dewa Agricoco Indonesia. Founded amidst the worldwide 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, we aim to alleviate and improve the local economy of East Indonesia specifically in the resource-rich island of Halmahera.
Our coconuts are sourced locally from farmers in Halmahera, which still cultivate the plants in very traditional manner and use no chemicals in the process. These materials are then processed fully in our integrated plant in the island. Numerous product derivates from coconuts create immense added value to the local economy.
At the same time, the plant will absorb workers from neighbouring areas which provide livelihood for the local people.

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