The 5th Largest Windfarm in The World

The 5th Largest Windfarm in The World
Illustration of The Largest Windfarm. Source
  • As renewable energy technology continues to advance and grow in popularity, wind farms like this one have become an increasingly common sight along hills, fields, or even offshore in the ocean.
  • Anything that moves has kinetic energy, and scientists and engineers are using the wind’s kinetic energy to generate electricity. 
  • The use of wind power itself has begun to develop and is used in many countries.

As renewable energy technology continues to advance and grow in popularity, wind farms like this one have become an increasingly common sight along hills, fields, or even offshore in the ocean.

Anything that moves has kinetic energy, and scientists and engineers are using the wind’s kinetic energy to generate electricity. Wind energy, or wind power, is created using a wind turbine, a device that channels the power of the wind to generate electricity. The use of wind power itself has begun to develop and is used in many countries. Therefore now ZonaEBT will tell you The 5th Largest Windfarm In The World

  1. The Gansu Windfarm, China
The Gansu Windfarm in China. Source

The Chinese government constructed the Gansu Wind Farm to take advantage of the wealth of wind resources in the province of Gansu as well as to improve its clean energy sector. At a current capacity of 7,965 MW, it is the largest onshore wind farm in the world and is expected to grow in capacity to 20,000 MW by 2020. In spite of the large amounts of electricity it produces, the wind farm is not adequately utilized as the local government prefers to use coal and the underdeveloped long distance transmission. The low demand for wind energy in China and the wind farm’s location far from major towns has also contributed to the underutilization of the wind energy.

2. Alta Wind Energy Center, California USA

Alta Wind Energy Center in California, United States. Source Power Engineers

This wind farm is located in Kern County, California and has a current capacity of 1547 MW. It is the largest onshore wind energy project in the US. The project was completed in 2014 and has 600 turbines occupying an area of about 3200 acres. The project was developed to supply South California Edison with 1550 MW of renewable energy for 25 years. The biggest hurdle to the project’s success was the insufficient power transmission capacity. The South California Edison local government constructed a transmission system, the Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project, to overcome the obstacle of long-distance transmission to fully utilize the wind farm’s potential.

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3. Muppandal Windfarm, India

Muppandal Windfarm, India. Source Power Technology

India’s largest onshore wind energy project is the Muppandal Wind Farm located in Tamil Nadu. The wind farm makes use of 3000 wind turbines to tap the seasonal monsoon winds to achieve its production capacity of 1500 MW which is approximately 20% of India’s energy requirements. The wind project has contributed significantly to reducing India’s reliance on fossil fuels and cutting its carbon emissions.

4. Jaisalmer Wind Park, India

Jaisalmer Wind Park, India. Source dreamstime

India is one of the leading providers of onshore wind, with Jaisalmer Wind Park one of the country’s most important sites, generating more than 1,000MW of power. It comprises of a cluster of wind farm sites within Jaisalmer including Amarsagar Badabaug, Tejuva and Soda Moda among others. The wind park houses projects of various companies including Mytrah Energy, Hindustan Zinc Limited, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Rajasthan State Mines & Mineral Limited, Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited and Rajasthan Gums Limited. The Wind Power Project Jaisalmer (WPPJ), installed capacity of 50 MW is located at Village-Lakhmana, Tehsil- Fatehgarh, Dist.-Jaisalmer (Rajasthan) has been setup by NHPC through EPC contractor i.e. M/s INOX Wind Limited.

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5. Sherpherds Flat Windfarm, Oregon USA

Sherpherds Flat Windfarm, Oregon USA. Source informthepundits

Shepherds Flat wind farm is being developed near the Columbia River Gorge in the state of Oregon, US. The 845MW project will be the largest wind farm in the world. Once operational, Shepherds Flat will overtake the current largest operating wind farm in the US – the 781.5MW Roscoe Wind Farm. Annual output of the Shepherds Flat wind farm will be 1,797GWh. The project is being developed in three phases at a cost of $2bn. Construction commenced in May 2010 and the first phase is expected to be operational in 2012. Caithness Energy is the lead developer of the project. Partners in the project include GE Energy Financial Services, Google, Tyr Energy (a unit of ITOCHU) and Sumitomo Corporation.

Wind is renewable and it can be used continuously without the risk of the supply diminishing. Harvesting wind power is eco-friendly as there are no pollutants emitted in the process. Wind farms can also be used for farming as wind turbines have a small base area. Generating wind energy is also cheaper as wind is a natural resource.


[1] The World’s 10 Largest Wind Farms

[2] Wind Energy

[3] Shepherds Flat Wind Farm, Oregon

[4] Jaisalmer Wind Park

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