Kualifikasi Umum
- Minimum Bachelor degree;
- Eager to learn on issues related to climate change, energy, and finance, in the context of Climate Diplomacy, particularly under UNFCCC;
- Experience in working with administrative and organizing events, including developing terms of reference;
- Ability to do data collection, will be an advantage;
- Capacity to work simultaneously on a variety of issues and tasks independently, adjusting to priorities and achieving results with agreed objectives and deadlines.
- Demonstrated ability to function as a team player in a multicultural team, within and across teams, deliver on complex and sometimes parallel tasks on very tight deadlines.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Studying documents and decisions related to climate issues including those from UNFCCC, particularly those related to COP28;
- Summarizing outcomes of UNFCCC sessions, not limited to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, Climate Finance, Global Goal on Adaptation, Loss and Damage, Just Transition Work Program, and Global Stocktake;
- Contribute to the development of COP28 guides for each issues;
- Contributing to the research and development of communication materials, as necessary.
Deskripsi Usaha
IRID (Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization) is an Indonesia-based think tankfocusing on policy analysis and policy advocacy to support decarbonization and resiliencesociety. As an open and neutral organization, IRID supports gender equity, two out of four its co-founders are women. IRID will employ and treat people based on their capabilities that suites to the need of the organization, not based on their gender, ethnicity, nor religion.Established on 13 December 2020 in Jakarta, Indonesia, IRID was founded with a strong vision to continuously promote decarbonized and climate resilient development, not only inIndonesia, but also at the global level. IRID works in the areas of, but not limited to, climatepolicy and negotiation, carbon market, renewable energy policy and development, climatefinance as well as environment and climate law. IRID also aims to not only raise awarenessbut also to build capacity of relevant stakeholders to make them able to actively contributein the effort to achieve decarbonized and climate resilient societies.
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