Nuclear Energy: Energy Transition Solution Towards Net Zero Emissions

Nuclear Energy Development Requires Policy Support and Preparation
  • Nuclear energy is a renewable energy substitute for fossil fuels that can produce electrical energy with low gas emissions.
  • According to As Natio, the first nuclear power plant is planned to operate with a total power of 7.7 GW in 2036–2040.
  • The advantage of nuclear energy technology is that it does not produce waste that is released into the environment.

Nuclear energy is a renewable energy substitute for fossil fuels that can produce electrical energy with low gas emissions. This makes nuclear energy an option to be developed in achieving a renewable energy mix. However, there are challenges as well as impacts on the environment that must be considered in the development of nuclear energy. Therefore, policy support is needed for the development of nuclear energy in Indonesia to achieve the net zero emissions target.

The renewable energy mix during the energy transition period is still being carried out and developed to achieve the Net Zero Emissions target. In the development of renewable energy in Indonesia, there are still challenges that hinder the process of developing renewable energy. One of the renewable energies that poses a challenge in its development is nuclear energy.

A Focus Group Discussion was held on May 30, 2022, which was organized by the National Research and Innovation Agency. This discussion discusses nuclear energy policy, its implementation in the energy transition to Net Zero Emission and sustainable development. This discussion was held to formulate a policy text for the use of renewable energy, particularly nuclear energy. This policy text is expected to assist in developing nuclear energy to achieve the target of this renewable energy transition mix.

Reducing fossil energy reserves in Indonesia is a challenge in energy development. Therefore, renewable energy sources are chosen as alternative energy that is more environmentally friendly in energy sustainable development. Currently, of the national electricity supply, 85% comes from fossil fuels and 15% comes from renewable energy.

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According to As Natio, the first nuclear power plant is planned to operate with a total power of 7.7 GWe in 2036–2040. This is in line with the roadmap towards NZE to replace retired fossil power plants. The challenge in the construction of this nuclear power plant lies in the construction period, which takes 7 to 8 years. Therefore, the government is targeting a 2025 launch date for the Go-Nuclear program.

Meanwhile, according to the Nuclear Energy Research Organization, the main challenge in the nuclear power plant development program is not technology but socio-politics. In addition, other challenges are strict regulations, relatively expensive investment costs, long development duration, and long-term waste storage.

In addition to the challenges of development, nuclear power plants also have advantages. These advantages are low carbon, reliable energy sources, requiring little land, competitive electricity prices, and security of supply. The generator can then run for up to 80 years due to its long life span.

The nuclear reactor technology used is considered superior to other generating technologies. The advantage of nuclear energy technology is that it does not produce waste that is released into the environment. All waste related to the use of nuclear materials is managed by a nuclear waste management system, which is ultimately stored, immobilized, and contained.

As Natio concluded, one of the national energy policies is listed in the Grand National Energy Strategy (GSEN) 2021–2035. These policies include building electricity transmission and distribution, smart grids, off grids, and nuclear power plants. In addition, the formation of the Nuclear Energy Program Implementing Organization (NEPIO).

According to the Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Indonesia aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 23% by 2030 in accordance with the Paris Declaration. This is Indonesia’s effort to support the transformation of a green economy and low-carbon development. In addition, nuclear power plants are also needed to anticipate massive energy needs through economic transformation and re-industrialization. This nuclear power plant is capable of supplying large-scale energy but is relatively inexpensive.

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In this discussion, the Director of Electricity Program Development explained the energy transition roadmap and strategy to meet the NZE. Then it also discusses the transition of fossil generators to NRE, as well as details of the retirement of fossil generators.

Government regulation Number 79 of 2014, concerning KEN, mandates energy security. The regulation contains conditions for ensuring energy availability and public access to energy at affordable prices in the long term. Then also by still paying attention to the protection of the environment.

Regarding the NZE target, electricity supply in 2060 will be sourced entirely from renewable energy-based plants. These power plants include solar (17,955 MW), water (83,354 MW), wind (39,226 MW), bioenergy (37,463 MW), nuclear (35,000 MW), geothermal (17,955 MW), and ocean currents (13,378 MW).

Currently, nuclear power plants account for 10.1 percent of the world’s electricity supply. There are 30 countries that operate nuclear power plants, among which the largest are the United States, France, China, Russia, and Japan.

In Indonesia, feasibility studies have been carried out in several areas, such as the Muria Peninsula – Jepara, Bangka, and most recently, West Kalimantan. Then operate research reactors, prepare nuclear energy infrastructure, socialize, and survey public acceptance.


[1]Energi Nuklir, Opsi Transisi Energi Menuju NZE dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

[2]Nuklir Bakal Jadi Solusi Menuju Net Zero Emission

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